I was initially skeptical since I'm not usually a fan of Heavy Grenade Launchers, but the Hullabaloo is great. I got several with Voltshot and Chain Reaction. What a fantastic combo! Chain Reaction slays when you first fire then Voltshot takes over when you reload. It's incredibly lethal. I've never seen anything clear adds like this one.
I can't decide if I like the blast radius masterwork or the reload one (to get the Voltshot effect faster) better. Either is still good. Anyway, this weapon definitely made the Guardian Games worth doing this year.
This is a forum to complain about trials. Stay on topic please.
If you can get past using a heavy for ad clear and using a reload perk on a heavy weapon lol
Still not got the voltshot/chain roll but have tried a few different rolls that have all been fun to use. Hopefully next week will be a warlock week and can finally get a few winners packages as it don't want to drop for me from medallions or chests.
I prefer heavy for boss DPS rather than add clear but I'll still hang on to these three rolls :- Chain reaction / Voltshot Chain Reaction / Auto Loading Chain Reaction / Envious Assassin With artifact support things could get interesting.
Next I recommend gutshot straight and explosive payload on taraxipos and destabilizing rounds and repulsar brace on the title.
The roll I haven't gotten yet is AL collective action to pair with Coldheart on Ionic Trace kits.
Does blast radius affect the radius of chain reaction or voltshot? I didn’t think it did and only affected the width of the actual shot along the floor and it was minimal. With that thinking I’d say reload is the best for chain reaction and voltshot rolls
I get so many it reminds me of Edge Transit
A strike toy Your not using heavy for ad clear in any relevant content
If you like wasting heavy on ads, sure. Doesn't change the fact that Forbearance and Trinity do the exact same thing for primary and special ammo.
Yeah, it's a good weapon
Got one on my Titan with Voltshot and Chain Reaction and it's lots of fun.
Yeah same. Until I got a good perk and now I’m enjoying it more. Good for clearing especially red bar adds.
Wave frame heavy GLs are a lot of fun. I guess it was a good thing that they leave you with a sliver of health in PvP. I still have to play around with my voltshot chain reaction one some more.
Yep, I have a chain and voltshot too. It slaps pretty hard.
My voltshot chain reaction does nicely.
I'm really glad I got that role, such a fun heavy to run for arc synergy.
Watch this video https://youtu.be/fJm3til_DDs?si=pENvYZ8HTjQpvoKH I thought it was decent but watching this it's really bad outside of a few niche situations. I did notice I shot a vex boss in a vex incursion & did 6k damage, with a direct hit, shot it with a scout & did 2k lol. It shoots feathers
Anyone else having issues with hullabaloo dropping with a range masterwork? Have Bungie mentioned the bug, or a fix?
I got one with Envious Assassin and Cascade Point that I really want to mess around with.
Eyes Up Guardian - old
Honestly I haven't tried it . I have been playing with Wild Style GL with stats for all and incandescent. It's not bad.