And yet again bungie starts to baby the other classes and shoot down hunters chances of winning. Honestly as a hunter main is always feels like bungie is ACTIVELY working AGAINST me in guardian games trying to prevent hunters from winning and babying the other titans are now getting up to 40 mil while hunters barely scratched 2 mil. Now it feels like no matter how much I play the focus activity my score barely does anything. Why couldn't we just have the win? I mean it not like we've won every year and the one year we did win it was BARELY because of the rigged scaling. It's not like winning does anything more then give us a fancy statue and bragging rights like come on. You guys should've just gotten rid of the activity instead of just once again throwing hunters into a ditch we can't climb out of to stop the other classes from crying. It's not fair to make one classes chances of winning -0 and boosting the others, that's not fair scaling, but of course yet again hunters just get to see our effort go down the drain for another year. Thanks bungie.
They really rigged the emote finishers for hunters. Sneaky, try it .