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Edited by DilleDille345: 3/8/2024 7:31:28 PM



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  • Oh, I just know that you had an absolutely galaxy brained take. Anytime you see a post that says "Deleted" it's a giant flag for it

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  • Edited by Duke: 3/8/2024 6:22:09 PM
    They gave you 4 perfectly fair options with ways to avoid FOMO. -1200 medals over THREE WEEKS. Yes, it's a time sink, but it's free and requires absolutely ZERO skill. -Top 10% nightfall score. Allows good players to do it quickly. More skilled = faster path to rewards. Totally normal. -Focus Packages. You admit this is fine and your problem is it "defeats the purpose of GG" which it doesn't, BUT EVEN IF IT DID, totally fine. It's an OPTION. And finally, you can just buy the Gjallarboard if you really want a board forever and want to be lazy about it. I suggest you take all of the advice you were doling out at the end. Maybe go sit outside and eat a banana. Complaining over absolutely nothing and calling this FOMO is GD hilarious given all the options available for completing the quest. Not a skill issue. Just a you issue.

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  • The problem with the Top Ten Percent is that the bar keeps moving up. Most of the no life trolls on here will jump at the chance to tell you it's a skill issue and they smashed it with a 223k score & git gud kid. But... Day 1 at Launch a score of 175k would have bagged you it. A couple of hours later... you need a 220k to succeed. A couple of days later anything less than 270k is pointless!!! And so on. Perhaps it would have been better if they had standardised the score to something like 220k to succeed. Then the bar wouldn't keep going up.

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    • Edited by MajinGoo: 3/8/2024 6:34:31 PM
      Dude wants to say touch grass, read a book or go talk to a female if you were planning on saying skill issue but he's in here. Crying like a little baby because he's not good enough to get something that he feels he deserves. damn basement dweller

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      • Edited by moist: 3/8/2024 6:40:42 PM
        It really isn’t that hard •You can easily solo the strikes •for the packages you can get more than 3 a day •the medals are the slowest but you have another 3 weeks. Also I am having fun with destiny and I’m happily married.

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      • Truth!

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      • I play a few hours here and there and I'm halfway done with the 1200 medal points. 1) watch a Twitch streamer for 2 hrs and you'll get a diamond medal. That was a huge chunk of my points. ~250 or 300 (I didn't check what I had before I turned in the diamond.) You get one a week. 2) Grab the Platinum bounties. I was doing Lost Sector ones after they unlocked them. You just have to kill enemies. Usually takes 1 1/2 runs of a Lost Sector. I was also grabbing Platinum Nightfall bounties. These two are the quickest imo, since I tend to avoid PvP. Make sure to grab Platinum bounties

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        • Skill issue

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        • Everyone complaining about a top 10% score in nightfall is just a low skill individual. I've done it solo every day this week so far and been in the top 10% every time. Get good kid.

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        • Edited by Mark, Scholar of Stars: 3/8/2024 4:52:53 PM
          No, it's not. Forget about the medals, go for the score with two friends or members of your clan. It's easy as long as you emote and finish the champions, or do 3 focus, every four hours, with your hunter. Edit: [quote]It's important to know that you have to emote first, and then use a finisher - after lowering the health of the champion, to kill him. This alone gives you 10,000 score.[/quote]

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        • [quote]The quest for the skimmer is absolutely f’ed. -> Earning 1,200 points on banking medals requires hours of time sink, especially when each medal doesn’t contribute a whole lot to the total score. I’m not sure how long it would actually take to complete this one if you played every single day with optimal medal gainage and treated this game as if it were your job, but from my experience as a more casual player, I played about 3-4 hours on Tuesday and am still under 100 points. The grind on this is [u]excessive[/u]. -> Top 10% of all scores is straight impossible on certain classes with certain guns and at certain times of the day. You basically have to focus on getting as many medals as possible (Don’t even get me started on the Ability Acceleration. It’s absolutely broken with Well and Warlocks. Nice job, Bungo). Plus, if you wait too long or can’t get on at daily reset, it’s straight up impossible for regular, casual players to get scores in the top 10% because the score pool is inflated so much. -> The focus packages is basically the only other viable option if you don’t get top 10%, but if you just pledge on the class that’s going to win, even if that’s not your main class, doesn’t that just defeat the purpose of a class-based Guardian games? And of course, the [u]ONLY[/u] other Skimmer available is in a $25 bundle with multiple other items that you will never use ever… you can’t even buy it with real-world money on its own… because of course not. Whoever was the ‘genius’ who came up with this questline should be taken out back and given the Old Yeller treatment. Good Lord… they make an actual fun thing in the game that they give to “everybody,” but will take away after 3 weeks if you don’t treat the game like your job or spend $25 on it.[/quote] Hmmm, dont think so., me and a buddy 2 manned the NF on Tuesday and got 233k achieving the top 10% - exotic skinner unlocked. We emote champions before finishers, which granted 9,250 points each.

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          6 Replies
          • Yea it’s rly hard to emote finisher yellow bars

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          • 1

            Eyes Up Guardian - old

            you only need 1 of those, keep grinding medals and doing focused activities, you'll get there .

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          • finished it in an hour or two. not that difficult

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          • is not? the first one is just play the game and earn medals, the second oneis easy at the start of the week, you need to emote before using a finisher on champions . third option is probably the easyest one , just play 3 games and you will be fine

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          • No, it isn't. Option 1 - cumulative score over the period of the games, easy. Option 2 - top 10% will change cause the nightfall changes daily. If you struggle to get there with a nightfall without much scoring, just wait till there is another with better scoring. Also, the scores reset at reset. Option 3 - just run one activity in a focus playlist 3 times, easy work. I recommend using a hunter cause there are more of them in the game and how it's set up, they will keep winning each time. Just cause you don't get something asap doesn't mean something is wrong, bungie didn't do something right, etc.

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          • Edited by vxvxTITANxvxv: 3/8/2024 5:07:41 AM
            Spending time/money to obtain a fake digital hoverboard is beyond me. IRL skateboards are way cooler. 😎

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          • What’s crazy is people charging $$$ to carry for the exotic skimmer quest! 🤣 Bungie I know is gonna lower the amount of time and effort to obtain it

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