I'll create a new topic because I can't find the section in which the old one is. Probably no one will see my post.
you made me to give you my personal data,
forced me to install a 3rd party app that has access to my entire system
and you've blocked me from editing my nickname and privacy settings in my profile?
In order to log into the forum, I have to log into steam, log into my email for a confirmation code, and only then log into this account.
It seems to me that you will not fix access to the profile settings, then tell me
where to write a request to delete all my account data from your servers and I will delete this game.
Useless help forum... I found the cause of the problem - Firefox. No problem in Chrome. I downloaded a clean portable version of Firefox and it has the same problem. [url]https://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable[/url] So, why does this site not support Firefox? Is there any tech support here? Where should I report this bug?
Edited by Swat The Bot: 2/13/2024 12:14:30 AM[quote]forced me to install a 3rd party app[/quote] What app? The only app that Bungie officially advertises is the [url=https://www.bungie.net/7/en/destiny/companion]Destiny 2 companion app.[/url] There is no requriment whatsoever to download any third-party app. You don't need to download the official app either. I would love to know where you saw a notice by Bungie forcing you to download a third-party app. [quote]and you've blocked me from editing my nickname and privacy settings in my profile?[/quote] We only get one (1) name change. You were told this before you changed your name. Failure to read the information presented to the user is a user error and not Bungie's fault. To avoid disappointment in the future, make sure to read everything that is in front of you. Also, what's stopping you from editing your privacy settings? Bungie has never stopped anyone from editing privacy settings. They will remove content that violates their policies but they won't stop you from enabling privacy settings.
Edited by viiTactiiCZz: 2/12/2024 10:13:23 PMThe erasure request can be submitted via the form linked at the bottom [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049024632-Contact-Form-Data-Privacy-Requests]here[/url] - you have to be within the EU (GDPR) or California (CCPA) to be able to do it The requests are reviewed in the order they are received and only during business hours