This gun, has to be one of the most frustrating exotics to get. This quest's 6th step is absolutely atrocious. It's stupid that you need to get a squad wipe. But the problem is. When you invade, people RUN or proceed to absolutely pull the most bs out. I've ran into an aimbot, a glitcher, people who run brain rottening stuff and overall screw me out of this stupid quest step getting finished.
I kept reading that people had an easy time with it. It's kinda bs because it's not just simple. Unless the team is just uninterested in scattering and just sit there. This game mode is utter trash and this quest inspires nothing more than spamming invasions and giving headaches.
What's worse is the fact that arguably more annoying quests like the ace of spades quest, and the thorn quests got shelved, and placed into the exotic kiosk. But you keep an unfun quest around for a gamemode no one really likes.
Oh yeah did I mention people sweat like they're playing trials? Yeah. To hell with that quest. Bungie you lot messed up with this one.
Call it a skill issue, I don't care. I hate this quest and this game mode all the more now. 👎
I used the exotic sword that throws blades(can’t remember the name as its been awhile) took them completly by suprised since no one uses it.
Golden gun make it easy
Skill issue anyways use a tracking rocket such as eyes or u can use leviathans breath or supers
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Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
I have skill issues to, Your not alone in this world… 🤣 -
I bet it is more of a pain now than when it was conceived and released. Then, linear fusions may have been the play. Now, some fancy shenanigans and luck are more likely required. Good luck! It’s a fun gun with Lucky Pants. I think I’d try invis hunter w/ either good scout or bow if I’d attempt that these days.