I want the option to make the radar more visible beyond current limitations. Often times information can be lost depending on the background colors your HUD is resting on.
Edit: I appreciate people mentioning color blind options. I did this for a time but ran into similar issues as the standard red. Maps like Altar of Flame and Radiant Cliffs I experience the same problem. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experience though.
-blam!-! I just want accurate radar. Half the time my -blam!- shows someone around a corner just in n front of me but when I come around the corner into the open they are no where near the ping and other times they are right on top of me. It's super unreliable. However it's a great way of knowing who is using wall hacks.
Sounds like you are all a bunch of radar crutch bot players. It needs nerfing so that people stop sitting on corners waiting for other people to play. Cringe play style reading the comments here.
Just get rid of it
[quote]I want the option to make the radar more visible beyond current limitations. Often times information can be lost depending on the background colors your HUD is resting on.[/quote] Spot on! Whilst on this subject, would like the option to intensify the colour / size / shape / brightness of my weapon’s reticle.👈 With all the flashes and explosions, and overly bright, and red, background imagery, my preferred ‘red dot’ gets lost in the visual overload…😵💫 BTW: I have switched my reticle colour in the ‘in game’ settings, though it hardly ever seems to proc?! I haven’t messed around or experimented with the colour blind settings…doesn’t seem right for some reason to me. And whilst on the subject of HUD positioning ‘on the page / screen’ - when viewing items like weapons or ships or sparrows, as we scroll through colour options or checking stuff out, the ‘on screen’ info box often obscures a large part of the item being viewed…why? 🧐 Surely, there’s enough vacant ‘on screen’ real estate to automatically reposition the info box to avoid the a/m problem!? 🙄 Been banging on about all of this stuff and other QoL fixes since way back…🫤 SMH 🙄 I still haven’t preordered TFS… a first for this old tortoise. 🫤 Ease springs! 🫡
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
I keep forgetting I have a radar -
Changed mine to yellow a long time ago.
Destiny ui needs more options anyway. This included.
While I don’t disagree you can change the colors through the settings for something better suited. I had the same issue….look through the colorblind options
I find that in altar of flame, I won't be able to see the far radar pings because the background or banner has a red tint to it. 😢
Yeah the radar is garbage. And is never easy to view. Id love the option to just reposition it to another corner of your choosing. id give it the Halo corner cause lower corner is easier to see than the top edge which requires looking away from the combat.
Try out different colorblind modes, even if you aren't colorblind. I did. I use one that makes the red-enemy-dots yellow. It's 1000% better.
I changed my color filter to one of the Colorblind filters to get a yellow Radar Ping. It’s more visible, and thus, just easier to use. It does not change the color of the game either. Just UI things, which is acceptable. I’ve gotten so use to seeing the game with the filter that seeing the game without it looks different (for the things that change with the filter)