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Edited by nissan-al’gaib: 1/26/2024 6:30:13 PM

Clan fundraiser to help out kids (Game2Give2024)

Hi our clan "Dead Ghost Society" is a participant in a Bungie's Game2Give fundraiser for their "Little Lights" program for children's hospitals - an app that curates entertainment in a therapeutic environment that alleviates them of an otherwise extremely stressful and debilitating situation. [i]We're trying to get even just [b]$500[/b] for our clans contribution. If we can reach that goal, that would be amazing.[/i] [b]Update[/b] - We passed $500, reaching our initial goal and then some. Thank you so much for the support! These kids will definitely appreciate it. [b]We have since increased our next goal to $777.[/b] If you donate through this link using a Bungie Foundation donor account, you can get credits for some limited-time emblems: [i][/i] Thank you for your help! Much love from Dead Ghost Society! <3

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