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Not likely. Soon I suspect I won’t be on these forums much longer either. Generally don’t like censorship or their politics
bungie has proven to me that every pvp they touch is garbage so that’s a fat nope
Nope. PvP is not my thing. Doesn't even sound interesting. If they'd remade the original but with modern graphics then yeah, I'd get that, but since it's not PvP Bungle cares not. Also they be dumb.
I would like to. I’ve gravitated more towards high pace games recently. I’m hoping it lets me jump in and just play and have fun. Don’t have time for games to feel like work. Life is busy.
I have no money.
How many times must we learn this lesson? [b][u]DO NOT PREORDER GAMES FROM DEVS YOU DON’T 100% TRUST.[/u][/b]
Pretty weird to make that decision when we know almost nothing about it.
IDK Hopefully this year they actually show gameplay not a cinematic teaser trailer I still think it should become something more then just a extraction shooter
[quote]Who is buying Marathon[/quote] But it’s free on [url=]Alephone[/url]
I’ll play it and win the whole race Probably
We can't trust Bungie. They screwed us over and over and over again in Destiny, why wouldn't they do the same in Marathon?
Unsure yet. Will want to try it first.
Man, i'm not a fan of non-campaign games. So i'm not sure yet.
I will try it out, I heard rumors it's free. Besides, we all know bungie can nail the movement, feel and shooting mechanics.
I'm quite excited for Marathon and will definitely pick it up if it looks good.
“Purchase Marathon now for exclusive access to the forums”
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
I’ll be neck deep in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and (hopefully) Monster Hunter World. Not about to reward Bungie’s poor decisions by supporting Marathon or Final Shape. -
Hmm a PvP extraction shooter.. I couldn’t be less interested. It’ll be another game for the streamers; made to watch and @ss to play.
why do people act like its not going to be free to play like every other pvp shooter?
Only a sith deals in absolutes! I may buy it, and I may not.
Edited by Swat The Bot: 1/8/2024 1:54:44 AMGot it over 30 years ago when it was released. If you meant the new one, I would have it pre-ordered already if that was possible. I've been buying and playing Bungie games pretty much forever and I see no reason to stop. I fully enjoy their games and think they're an awesome game studio, so I will continue to support them. [quote]NOT ME![/quote] Good for you, shame that doesn't matter to anyone else. Not sure why you created a thread just to tell internet strangers who have no idea who you are that you're not buying 'X' product. If you hate Bungie so much, why are you here and why are you playing their games and giving them money? Answer: You don't hate them and you don't hate their products, this is just a troll post.
[b] [/b]
Absolutely no way, I’m waiting for the First Descendant to release…
(Proceeds to remove hands)
Given that it doesn't even have an official release date yet and 2024 just started, I'm not worried about it right now.