There are a few activities that, when ending, put the player in the wrong planet's orbit. These are the ones I know of:
[u]The Citadel Map (Crucible):[/u]
- At least in private matches, you end up in [b]Mars [/b]orbit
- Should be [b]The Dreaming City[/b]
[u]Crota's End:[/u]
- You end up on [b]Earth[/b]
- Should be [b]The Moon[/b]
[u]Season of the Deep activities (And Crucible/Gambit maps on Titan)[/u]
- You end up on [b]Earth[/b]
- Should be [b]Titan[/b] (?)
- Its strange, because if you do some activities back to back, you see your ship going into Earth and then above titan's waves.
[u]Season of the Wish Riven's Lair/The Coil[/u]
- You end up on [b]Earth[/b]
- Should be [b]The Dreaming City[/b]
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
Bungjee don’t care