This weekend the Crucible options include:
1. Trials of Osiris
2. Competitive
3. Checkmate Control
4. Control
5. Zone Control
6. Relic
7. Rumble
That is far too many, especially given the player population right now. I dunno about the rest of ya'll, but the connections have been notably worse than usual. I think Bungie should reduce the number of playlists at a given time, not increase them. On the weekend, maybe just Trials, Competitive, one version of Control, and Rumble. I dunno exactly, but seven different modes is just nuts.
Should just be Trials,Comp and Control Nobody cares about the rest
7 is too many? That's the bare minimum any shooter should start with.
Trying to force more players in to trials will make players stop playing pvp.
FREELANCE or bust - 3/11/2025 1:57:13 AM
How about to encourage population numbers we try something like this (tried to use everyone's feedback): [u][b]Weekend Special[/b][/u] ...only on weekends 0. Trials and/or Comp > can have both or alternate to up population [u][b]3v3[/b][/u] 1. Survival or other casual 3v3.. > prep/practice for Trials/Comp [u][b]6v6[/b][/u] 2. & 3. Control or Clash (alternate with checkmate modes and regular available for both) [i]IB replaces Control/Clash during its weeks.[/i] 4. Party Rotator (Mayhem, Rift, Relic..etc) -
Haha half of them are control ?! Bungie needs to go back to have clash and control in Quickplay
There's really no reason to have the Quickplay playlist on the weekend if even at all given the player population. Relic is cool but the same thing can probably be said about that. Most people that are going to want to play 6v6 should probably be able to play Control. There's really no reason to have control and zone control at the same time ever. Especially not as the same time as checkmate control. Tbh, the PvP probably needs to be consolidated during the regular weekdays as well. Some of the playlists really don't seem to be able to handle the lower player population. And its probably going to get lower for some of them even if the overall population eventually starts going up before final shape. Quickplay just tends to not be very good for random and odd spaced-out reasons and there's only one mode that rotates there that's really worth having with this broad of a selection already. Its also odd to always have relic.
3 of those are basically the same mode. Also d1 had like 5 options at all times and most shooters have double digit modes active at all times, cod has like 20 modes constantly available.
It's wild to me that in a game where content runs dry, we're complaining about access to more choice in content/game modes... 🤦♂️
I dont see how this is a problem. People arent just going to submit and play the reduced modes if that occurred. If the mode i want is not present then i just play something else.
Choice is never a bad thing. You seem to be under the presumption that the total number of PvP players would still be playing even if their favourite game mode is not present. I personally wouldn't, I am not that addicted...
Edited by RabbitTears: 12/17/2023 4:12:29 PMThere are games with lower population than destiny, that have more modes than just 7. they seem to handle it pretty well
Just waited 5 minutes in matchmakin for 6v6quickplay
Edited by Nimune: 12/17/2023 1:41:24 PMJust two modes would be enough. 1. Clash/control 6v6 2. Comp/trials 3v3
Bungie: "We thought this was what you wanted."
It should be: Clash- TD mode that requires zero to nothing, just have a good time. Control- Wanna learn Objective mode..Here Comp- Wanna learn more about the Competitive side of D2 PVP..Here Trials- No safety Net, no momma to hold you, Come Prepared or leave Defeated. Or, i had an idea years ago, that If its Trials or IB, the Comp mode would reflect the PVP event for said time. Because IB and Trials last i remembered dont Run together. So, Trials Week: Clash Elimination Comp Trials IB Week Clash Control Comp IB And something cool to add, to aid in player choice, would be the Option to switch Control and Elimination around if you dont want to play that mode, yet why i put it in Clash, was to give the Arcade mode, so you wouldn't need to do that. All around, there should only be 4-5 Modes Present in a Week.
Idk gambit has 1 mode and still has a low population.
Was literally about to post this, I don't even know what mode to play for 6s atm, the already low player count has been diluted even further, checkmate should be some random garbage you see as frequently as iron banner, not a borderline core mode.
All I’m saying is where’s elim
Only needs trials
FREELANCE or bust - 3/11/2025 1:57:13 AM
Control and Checkmate Control are the most populated lists (I believe) they are essential. This is how I look at it: [b][u]Weekend Special[/u][/b] 1. Trials [b][u]3v3[/u][/b] 2. Comp 3. Rotator/Labs [b][u]6v6[/u][/b] 4. & 5. Control & Checkmate Control (IB replaces all Control modes to protect its population) 6. Rotator (Mayhem/Rift/..etc) Not sure how to fit in Rumble but that completes what I consider the offering of PVP for most of the population. (Rumble could be offered every IB week.. since no control and checkmate control.. and it wouldn't drag that population) >> Show population in the lists.. you can even just say high medium or low.. its just a form of communication/transparency for folks to understand wait times. >> Freelance gets added to every number up there or at very least for Trials and Comp >> Continue to work on cheater and quitter protection -
Relic can be removed and Zone Control can be switched to Clash or some form of PvP that includes stats. Everything else has to be there or the population could actually go down. The "Competitive" playlist is always fun to talk about.
Not to forget the separate mm pools too.
Splitting Control into two modes trying to please everybody was a mistake. Just pick one.
Well, when everyone can agree on what to keep and what should go maybe things could be slimmed down. But since that'll likely never happen, this is where we find ourselves. 🤷♂️
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
Is countdown one? -
Should be Trials Control Comp Rumble Relic