Title says it - SF has been one of my favorite PvP pulses since last dawning (Encore/Kill Clip), but the muzzle flash might as well include a seizure warning.
Please fix these SF pulses so they’re less fatiguing to use. Thanks!
Every time you press the trigger it's like you faceplanted onto a frozen puddle
With all of the layoffs I won’t hold my breath regarding quality of life fixes. They’ve got their hands full with major issues.
That would require 12 "talented" bungie devs to actually work for more than 10 minutes per day from their "home office". That cant happen. They would get overworked. Think about their work life balance.
Fix it. Now.
Agreed. I also think the same way about Outbreak Perfected - that red muzzle flash is so jarring, I can't use it for long
Agreed. I had my old one from last year, got a new one this year (better stats/perks), used it in freeroam and it made me glad I kept the old one. Dismantle. Took ibuprofen. Used old one. The flash is annoying asf and would cause photosensitive players to seize. Def needs removal.
I was wondering what was going on. I wasn't even sure I was hitting anything with it.
Reminds me of the EPM3 in advanced warfare
It’s absurdly bad.
No. I like it
You think they are looking at this as a balancing tool for it? I figure that is the case.
They said they fixed it a while ago but no they did not. It is horrible to use I lose the scope in its massive muzzle flash. It is irritating but I would not be surprised if they don’t know how to fix it.
2nd this absolutely horrible to use
Yup it's -blam!- to use now, it should have been fixed before the the dawning even started!
I was running Stay Frosty for a while yesterday and it's pretty atrocious.
It's on the list of known issues. That and correct solo flawless dungeon emblems (and master ghost). Hopefully we get them soon!
Absolutely this. I have a decent roll of SF but have switched over to Cold Front instead to preserve my eyes (for the Dawning weapon kills triumph)
[quote]Title says it - SF has been one of my favorite PvP pulses since last dawning (Encore/Kill Clip), but the muzzle flash might as well include a seizure warning. Please fix these SF pulses so they’re less fatiguing to use. Thanks![/quote] Agree
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
Oooo, I want seizure gun -
I have a few really good rolls that I enjoyed using from last year. Then I couldnt see through the sight when shooting and just vaulted them hoping when this seasons Dawning came around they would fix it when reprising the weapon... still a mess, and on both versions!
The problem is that it's the weapons manufacturer. It's an omolon weapon, which means the goo inside of it wiggles around with the recoil. It is very annoying. And to fix it they would have to disable the weapon, or give it a new model.
They actually changed it to be this way in a patch a short while after last dawning.