Bungie, is it a bug on why newer world drop weapons from this season aren’t dropping from banshee as usual?
Is it that hard to give players the option to focus old weapons which most of us already have acquired and at the same time to allow banshee to still have the option to drop newer ones even if they can’t be focused this season?
Why make things so unnecessarily difficult for no reason? Jeez
Edit: Instead of giving glimmers for public events, how about you make patrols and public events another source to award a higher chance of providing the new world drop weapons?
You have added some life to Lost sectors why not do something similar to at least to make public events worth a shite, not everything needs to be rocket science.
Dunno why you can't focus the new stuff
Banshee has been rebooted 44 times. He forgot to pick up the new weapon shipments this season.
Brooo I had 99 on crucible and banshee and iron banner. Just spam the engrams and you’ll get godrolls for weapons you don’t want
Yep. They continue to make poor decisions and then wonder why player sentiment in at an all-time low.
That would be an overdelivery.
Instead of being flooded with Banshee engrams, Vanguard engrams are supposed to be more plentiful yet they’re as rare as Bungie making a good decision…so basically non existent
Between the tower vendors I let like 300 engrams go last season. Just couldn't be bothered.
Yes exactly,what am I supposed to do with Gunsmith engrams. I'm not interested in any of the weapons he has
Bungie: Why bother?
99 problems but a gun aint one :)
I think for some reason bungie is really keen on getting players into legend/master lost sectors and that is why they are the only reliable source for world drop weapons. I'm only at like 40 but I also have nothing to use them for with the current focusing options
Eyes Up Guardian - old
Go to the gunsmith and pop them dismantle get legendary shards and enhancement cores Most Vendor focusing at the tower is garbage and low stat -
Edited by The Hermit IX: 12/8/2023 7:33:08 PMLol I have a ton as well. I thought to myself I’d use them to get perfect roll on a Krait. First engram and it dropped. If you don’t have the Lodbroc I’d suggest getting a couple rolls. It’s slept on.
Shouldn't of listened to the streamers and spent so much time farming gunsmith engrams in the chests on the dreaming city.
Couldn't agree more OP, Banshee's weapons are total rubbish, not worth the effort of cashing in the engrams and dismantling.
Redeem engrams, dismantle everything, get legendary shards = PROFIT.
Spend them on a future outside of this hell...
Bungie: "Engram drops too frequent, got it. We'll tone those down for you!"
Edited by Oogyman: 12/9/2023 3:35:32 AMIt would make Public events worthwhile if each had a set of weapons they dropped from activity completion. To further the worth, give double chance at planet unique loot when completing a heroic event. Every single activity in this game should have a reasonable chance of dropping some form of gear on completion, with the amount of stuff we have. That list just keeps growing.
Been trying to get a reconstruction/chill clip Aurvandil FR6 with no luck.
Then sweat less.
How did you get to 99 so fast?’ I can’t even level him up.
Generally speaking Patrol needs a revamp. Huge player spaces that only exist because it's the introduction maps of strikes or expansion campaigns. There's a lot they could do to make them relevant, maybe borrowing ideas from the last few expansion worlds (Altars of Sorrow, Strike Force, etc).
Cash out and get legendary shards to spend for now. 😕
I sympathize, but it might be this way because engrams are relatively easy to farm, if not incredibly tedious. Dunno ultimately. Sorry bout the luck
I'm just waiting for enough people to complain and they'll put the grams back to world drops then profit. I'm done getting weapons I don't need or armor from legendary grams in the world. That ros adago with onslaught must be mine o engram o mine.