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12/4/2023 4:28:23 AM

Checkmate Control does not feel like Destiny 2

The vibes in this mode are -blam!- rancid man. My instincts and many of my skills from playing this game for the better part of a decade are worthless. This might be fun as an [u]alternative[/u] mode, but right now I don't have a casual PvP mode that I can hop into after work, switch my brain off, and blow off some steam. In my opinion, at time of writing it is too drastic of a divergence from what Destiny 2 PvP has been since the end of the double primary system and it should have remained in labs for at least another season.

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  • You have a 0.7 kd buddy. Your opinion is irrelevant and you’re wasting your time blaming a game mode that isn’t the problem its you buddy.

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  • Checkmate is great! It introduces more variation to control. Aiming and loadouts actually matter

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    6 Replies
    • Am I drunk or are there not MULTIPLE non-checkmate modes available right now?

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      • It’s slow and boring and involves a lot of crouching.. Been playing relic till that 💩 goes away

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        5 Replies
        • I had 3 games and found it’s mostly people hiding around corners crouching.. It’s just hand cannons and crouching.. So the only other option is relic which is pretty fun, unless you get people who think the relic will kill them so stay well away.

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        • Because it's Better Now Besides Hand canons in pvp having sniper rifle range

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        • Edited by Auronio: 12/5/2023 4:16:34 AM
          For years I was/am preferring gun play over ability play. Like I never learnt there is a super, a grenade and so forth. I can well recall years back my son reprimanding me why I had not casted a super in a given situation (well, but I might need it later, won't I?). It improved over the years but yet I prefer playing weapons instead of abilities. In PvP I still can end games w/o having used my super. Long story short - I like it and funnily enough seem to benefit from checkmate.

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        • 3

          PVP has been ruined - old

          Doesn’t even feel like D1…. It’s crap

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        • feels like D2 Vanilla aka the lowest point in destiny history.

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          3 Replies
          • Destiny 2 doesn't feel like Destiny 2

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          • My biggest gripe with the mode is the lack of variety. Handcannons and certain exotics are so much better than every alternative that they're all you see If Bungie wants to make Checkmate a permanent mode, then they need to prioritize balancing the Checkmate Sandbox

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            1 Reply
            • Under what PvP situation where you can only win or lose are you 'turning your brain off'? Even Mario Kart demands decision making and agency to reach a desired outcome. There is no such thing as casual multiplayer. L or W, pick one.

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            • Edited by Joulevette12: 12/4/2023 7:14:06 PM
              I'm enjoying it ppl seems to be forgetting what is the main complaint about Destiny Pvp majority of the player complain about is ABILITIES and Specials on how out of hand they became Pvp became more about ability spam and special ammo for weapons that 1-2 shot you then gunplay it's self putting in less work and getting back more energy with little effort with healing, Overshield, barriers, invisible, well, bubbles making regular crucible became borderline mayhem The whole point of checkmate was to calm these down and actually focus more on gunplay and be rewarded for it with energy and ammo Imajority of these maps were designed for 3v3 to 4v4 maybe close to 5v5 so they can be used for all modes which shows in the last reveal bungie might start making maps more like that then big ones like multiplex IMO I think they actually getting sick of constantly buffing and nerfing abilities and weapons that harms both modes and trying to find a middle ground with fixed stats across the board for pvp but I do thing the TTK needs to be lowered just alil

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            • You know? I haven't done much for Crucible yet, played two or three rounds, but I actually enjoy the lesser use of abilities and more focused weapon play. I'll do some more, get a real feel for it, but it isn't too bad a start. I do feel, however, that it is valid it would be offputting for people. It [i]is[/i] a game about being space wizards and sh*t. Ability usage is a huge thing that makes Destiny, Destiny. I feel it would be beneficial to have both modes. I know we have Mayhem, but that is a special ability spam mode that feels more like a niche thing, than something most people want.

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            • It’s ok, but it’s also kinda funny. Funny how many weapon types are borderline unusable due to how the health changes interact with their damage (the new special sidearms are a great example, TTK goes from maybe 2 shots to guaranteed 3). Funny how many people really rely on their special weapons or abilities to compete too…

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            • You're right, it's like D1's mm. And it's actually fun too.

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              1 Reply
              • I agree that checkmate probably shouldn’t be the main 6v6 game mode in its current state, but you “skills” you’ve built from playing destiny still apply. This mode doesn’t play differently enough from other ones to warrant a statement like what you said.

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              • Edited by Sushi_Combo: 12/4/2023 3:13:07 PM
                Best game mode ever!

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                4 Replies
                • Edited by A_mo: 12/4/2023 2:26:26 PM
                  That should be fine. Even a lot of people that play 6v6 at a consistently higher level might not want that as the main 6v6 mode. That node has always been the foundation of pvp whether it's been quickplay or control or cbmm or sbmm. And both sides have tried to ignore that at different times. The game also doesn't need to stagnate on just having the pvp PvE half and half experience in every pvp mode. There's times when the game would be doing that just to do it and it would end up being to the detriment of whatever mode. Years of just nothing but that isn't a good idea either. Some slop is successful though. Like IB was overall. Pinwheel matchmaking to the extreme some of those weeks. A lot of the reason that may have even made it into the game is because of the desire to have more people that play 6v6 doing endgamerer pvp modes. So those modes, like comp would then need to be not stupid in appear to the people they are pretending to be mostly for. Trials works fine as basically "as needed" btw. That mode somewhat depends on all the other parts of the game having satisfied people in them. It can be a draw but better really pumping prizes so it's going to have its population swings. TLDR: Classic control became the main pvp mode in the game over time. Just as an example I avoid it like the plague when it's a certain kind of sbmm. But with something like the sword kills for guilding glorious that's probably where I would be doing that if there want a rotator match that week. And there's a ton of things through the season that are like that for everyone. Checkmate and sometimes even quickplay just aren't always bounty modes like that.

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                • Checkmate should not be the only option. Bring back regular Control as the permanent playlist and place Checkmate in the weekly rotation.

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                • It’s gone as the main mode in like 4 weeks, best we can do is wait lol

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                • Edited by theingloriouspopcorn: 12/4/2023 4:39:23 AM
                  I want to clarify what I mean by casual PvP, because I saw some folks complaining in similar theads about high-skill players just wanting to stomp blueberries. I want a mode where I can do goofy -blam!-, not feel bad about ruining someone else's experience by doing goofy -blam!- badly, and not get my teeth -blam!- kicked in when I try goofy -blam!-. Right now in Checkmate, ability uptime is too low to use my abilities to do enough goofy -blam!-, and the ammo transmat system limits how often I can do goofy -blam!-.

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