Firstly, if you pre-ordered TFS, I wish you the best. I won't, and I'm going to wait to see if it's worth my money before I buy it.
Secondly, if you haven't yet, and you never will, and you're still on these forums saying the game sucks, I wish you the best as well.
But my issue with all this is that people think that canceling their pre-orders is doing something. It's not.
Bungie is owned by Sony, a multi-billion dollar company, and they could care less about bungie's small game. Not to mention, if every single player decided to revoke their orders for TFS, then we'd only be taking back a small bit of money because the game has so few players to begin with.
It's just people being b**ches and trying to get people to quit the game because of what? Oh, the fat cats at the top "hurt your feelings" by firing employees. Get the f*** over it. Welcome to life. It's no reason to think that canceling pre-orders will do anything.
And I get it because I'm basically saying, "Listen to me saying don't listen to anyone," which isn't exactly logical...
TL;DR is, it's your money. Do what you will with it.
Just don't listen to these b**ches.
Edited by Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge: 11/26/2023 1:36:03 AMSpam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
I still rather commit Reach then pre-order