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11/22/2023 11:00:14 PM

Titans absolutely gutted, AGAIN.

Some of these changes are fair. Woven mail is too strong. I get it. But who, absolutely who is asking for syntho nerf? Why change Bonk hammer? Have you not already shredded it down to a thin thread? It just doesn't make sense why you pick on titans so badly.

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    Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
    Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge

    mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM

    Hehe, Bonk Hammer

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  • And 🤣🤣🤣

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  • Maybe if you were unbiased you’d see these were needed changes. Gutted? Hardly. Titans will still be top

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  • On top of this, stasis titan didn't get any pve buffs when it is generally considered the weakest stasis subclass.

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    1 Reply
    • The nerf to Synthoceps was the last straw for me. I never saw anyone complain about them, and boom today bungies team of specialized ( got tooooo many wrong words to describe what I feel) lets just keep it to "lemons", decided to attack it with their good for nothing Nerfs. Utterly shocked! And let down further than any point light can reach in our galaxy. There's no return from this self-destruction, which bungie has initiated, and very blindly, can not see it happening.

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    • Bungie should nerf themselves.

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      3 Replies
      • Syntho nerf is pointless as long as they leave knockout with extended melee range. They should have removed the increased melee range from both.

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by Rogue: 11/23/2023 5:04:43 AM
          The 1.4 second cool-down is going to absolutely gut the dps of hammer, they’ve quite literally ruined it. These people don’t play their game. Not to mention that most of the melee exotics only provide their benefit for a couple of seconds.

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          15 Replies
          • Titan isn’t getting gutted These nerfs will change bassicly nothing

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          • Bungie: “We want Titans to be the tanky melee class.” Also Bungie: “Nerfs melee’s and reduces survivability for Titans.”

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            9 Replies
            • They should’ve at least added a way to call back our hammer, Thor style. Hell or even added more hammer attacks.

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            • I've been a syntho main for 4 years, I was in fact asking for a syntho nerf to its melee range, it was low key op in pvp and removing the lunge was one of the last free melee range increasing effects in the game

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              4 Replies
              • Edited by ggpiazen: 11/24/2023 3:25:29 AM
                real question: why/how play titan next season, besides strand? the only subclass that seems worth is solar - and guess what, bonk is crap. edit: all solar exotics on titan are also bad. what now? use agnostic exotics? HoiL? Precious Scars? Armamentarium?? I see no way.

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                2 Replies
                • Seriously. Yet another major patch where it seems like every nerf was targeted towards titans. I mean, banner was warranted (and to be fair, it really isn’t too bad of a nerf), but hammer? Seriously guys! And about their stasis “update.” That all they gonna do? Change the stats on a few fragments and re-word a buff? Then undo a few nerfs? They could’ve gave us new supers, melees, and aspects. Like they said in the TWAB, it is 3 years old. And side tangent, the “buffs” (really just undoing nerfs) to behemoth aren’t gonna help it any. It still is gonna suck, but hey! Now you can panic pop a little bit better!

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                  4 Replies
                  • I don't even understand why they nerfed throwing hammer like that. They are already lowering the multiplier for synthoceps and nobody is gonna swap to worm god just to get a little of it back. Behemoth also has terrible cooldowns and just like sentinel is INSANELY reliant on ability upkeep to proc our kit. Striker sucks but at least it has a lot more passive abilities thanks to knockout and things like that. The overall changes just suck for titans because our kits so strongly want melee and survivability is key to that. So worse survivability upkeep and general cooldowns is gonna double slam titans.

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                  • To be completely fair, the nerfs to titans and warlocks were kinda needed. I’m glad they left hunters alone for once, bungie seems to always be set on keeping them bad in pve. The only change I’m actually mad about is the orb of power cooldown nerf. That change is beyond outrageous and if bungie doesn’t walk it back, I won’t be returning to the game. (I haven’t played for like 2 years, and was thinking of hopping back in next season. This change might even prevent me from coming back for final shape. It’s THAT bad.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Titans gets picked on badly now because they have barely been been picked on at all until recently. Hunters and Warlocks has been eating it most of the time. It's only fair. Better late than never.

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                      6 Replies
                      • I think the syntho nerf was more aimed toward pvp. And as for the bonk nerf, it felt too powerful imo.

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                      • Synthos are straight up opressive. They are the best for almost every single usecase there currently is. While this may free some other exotics, this will also likely reveal how hollow the titan is when there is no stupid melee-damagestacking. Seeing the nerf to Synthos, the doubledip on bonkhammer does not make much sense other than the usual Bungie doublenerf.

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                      • Destiny 1 I mained a warlock. Destiny 2, a Titan. I figured I would main a Hunter for Destiny 3. Since there’s no plans for a D3 in sight and Titans are nerfed to the ground…. Hunter it is!

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                      • [i]Good[/i]

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