Hello Guardians, lately many people have been calling for bows to be nerfed due to their high burst damage output as well as the constant peek shooting being annoying to play against. I am curious as to what peoples opinions are as to how they should he tuned?
If we look into it, the reason why bows have to peek shoot to begin with is due to their slow TTK, being at roughly 1.14s after the first shot. Currently their is a drawtime and reload speed cap at 540ms and 500ms respectively (nocking delay is 100ms and doesnt change). What if we reduce the drawtime and reload speed caps to be 440ms and 300ms respectively. This would bring the TTK to 0.84s, bringing it in line with other weapons and allowing bows to roam out in the open more confidently (Of course this will allow them to be more easily gunned down too).
In response to this change, they could reduce the precision and body shot damage such that you need 2HS or 1HS/2 BS for a kill. Aim assistance would also need to be reduced a bit to rely on better aim to achieve the proper TTK. What are your thought or opinions?
IMO they should be turned into special and they should have the same ammo economy as eriana’s vow,they’re already used the exact same way and their aim assist and cones are about as big as a whale. Bow’s are the easiest weapons in the game specially when you can hold the bow charge. Bows have a similar problem to fusion rifles where they have a charge time/draw time that’s utterly meaningless,fusion rifles can have their charge times cancelled and bows can do that+hold the charge,both are underused and both are overpowered but you can’t get them nerfed because the casuals/crutches will cry about it and say “but muh charge time”. Bows and fusion rifles in their current states are nothing but detrimental to the crucible and not useful enough in pve.
High head shot damage Low body damage Holding your bow drawn down sights should be tied to your strength for how long you can hold it. 1 strength not long hold time 10 strength normal draw time. This way you can have your normal bow draw hold time but you gotta build into it..
Bows don’t need to be touched. People who don’t know how to play against bow users, and probably never try a different load-out are the issue. This game needs less weapon nerfs. Bungie seems to always over nerf as it is. If you really want to “fix” bows or any weapon in this game: Apply real world damage and mechanics to them. Bows would then be great at mid-long range. They would hardly do any damage at short range. You could then apply this to all weapons. Anyways bows are fine, people just have to play smarter.
FREELANCE or bust - 3/11/2025 1:57:13 AM
If you change the limits on drawtime and reload speed [b]you risk losing the complete identity of bows[/b].. they are not guns and they have a wonderful feel as a totally different weapon to try. You can try testing out a new bow style.. on one bow.. so you can control it and pull it.. thats how you release things in an established PVP setting. The only problems in bows is primarily, as usual, in exotics... (you know the gimmicks you made for PVE that should not be in every PVP mode) potentially hot swap is worth looking into... but [b]legendary bows feel like the right balance of challenge to use and challenge to avoid[/b]. -
Tiny hitboxes next to no aim assist (even on controller)
Their ttk is over a second so I guess they should remain as is. Everything else kills faster
My only grievance with bows is hot swap. Unfortunately there’s no way to really address that without ruining the gun. I’d say decrease the body shot damage so they can’t double body.