I really hate this guys, come on. I've played, quite literally about 30+ Legend Haunted Sectors, just back to back and not a SINGLE memento has dropped. I've been doing this the past two days.
Its a limited time event, so why is this such a rare drop? I've put in the work to finish the quest and gotten the first memento, and continue to put in work with nothing to show for it. A person should be able to get about one per hour to drop, or one every 10-20 engrams, on a fair grind, not this Hell. This just feels malicious at this point. Do better. This kind of crap is part of why your studio has 45% lower revenue than expected.
People are just kind of fed up dealing with this. You took it too far, is all. Just dial it back Bungie.
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
Hell means shite right