Look y'all, if you want to speedrun thru DoE, bring a fireteam and do it. Don't mess it up for the bounty hunters by being the 1st one in to spin that wheel. All you're doing is making an already exhausting grind, even more exhausting because we don't get to rally to fill our needs to have the arsenal to get thru Dares in one run. Save the speed crap for your personal fireteam.
This has been a constant issue with many other players here. Use the LFG to get fellow racers to run like mad with you. Thank you, have a nice day, and may you get stomped on by a taken Knight. All day long.
Literally the opposite. If YOU want something specific, you make the effort to form a team. People can play however they want.
You make no sense AT ALL, use your own advice!
Edited by BraveDragonWolf: 10/29/2023 12:17:36 AMIf someone needs to get some important killing done in DoE, they'd be smart enough to just do it on the hard difficulty solo and farm the first area. (Which I would sometimes do if it's not a DoE bounty.) Why do those people choose to speed run the normal difficulty, start the boss fight without placing a raid banner. (Usually the Cabal boss which is a pain if nobody guessed the room correctly and everybody end up scratching for some heavy ammo.) What are you gonna do? Report them? In some cases, they want to speed run through it to get the lowest times, (Which nobody really cares about.) on top of that they do it because they have nobody that's at their level to speed run with. Yeah you could tell them to do LFG, but what can anyone really do about this situation here? Can you really tell someone to stop playing a certain way? With all respect, this rant will be just dust in the wind.
Flip side - if you want to do bounties and do the activity slow then do it in a fireteam
Everyone has the right to play however you want. Don’t like how others are playing? Form a fireteam with those who have similar goals.
Why not use your own advice and get your OWN fireteam? This post makes no sense! You're complaining about a bunch of 🔵's not reading your mind and doing what YOU want?
Edited by Axolotl_Roadkill: 10/30/2023 12:07:36 AMSo you're entitled to play your way but others are not?
Ummm sort of sounds hypocritical 😂😂😂🤷🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️👍🏿. Form a team if you’re trying to do bounty 🤷🏿♂️
haha, no.
Or YOU could make a fireteam, hypocrite
Why don’t you get an lfg if you’re the one looking for specific behavior?
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
People still play DoE? -
Nope. I see no point in waiting to spin the wheel. You have plenty of time to sort yourself out and given that it takes it’s own sweet time to stop spinning and vanish before the enemy spawns in, how much time do you need? Or are six randoms supposed to just stand around waiting for someone to give permission? I’m not advocating speed running, but sometimes you do want to get on with it.
Edited by jhermannITJ: 10/28/2023 5:52:51 PMPeople are all dunking on you... and I'm against telling people how to play. BUT... It is frustrating. And what's the difference between rushing & not rushing? Worse loot. So, you save maybe 5 mins, less jackpot rnds... less treasure ogres, less bonus rnds. And some players do it on purpose, the score is 175 ish and then they nuke the boss. Meaning there is literally no reason, because overall, those few mins saved means less loot. You can beat it. I can force min 180 almost every time no matter what the other players do... the one exception is Hive boss. I often get 250 on normal and it still ends up being 15-16 mins. The most I've ever gotten on normal is 320. There's strats... here's a few: Don't play the objective, focus adds & pickups... for some encounters you focus adds, other's pickups... it depends on which encounter it is, whether or not you got a jackpot rnd. During Jackpot rnds there's more pickups and they respawn. For example, say 1st encounter is Vex and it's a jackpot rnd... that can be pushed super fast. I spend the entire time grabbing pickups... because there's nothing I can do to stall the other players from nuking those shielded Vex minis. Fallen is the best encounter in DoE... that's adds; mainly exploder shanks. The zones cap only so fast... and you can usually farm a good chunk of points. Orbs... run a kit that makes tons of orbs. Those aren't all my tricks, but those are some basic methods to ensure scores on normal. Hope it helps. DoE is probably a nightmare because BoW is so busted though...