Bungie, why mess with my gun and nerf it next season?Could you please nerf my ghost instead.? Why???
To get ppl in crota for necro
Because no fun allowed
Obvious attempt to put Osteo on the back burner so Thorn can shine with the new catalyst.
Because its burn alone can kill master raid yellow health boomers.
Osteoporosis (That's what I'm calling it and I'll fight people that disagree) is kinda out of balance for what it is and I do agree with a nerf to it, and it seems fair, but we will see if it's overboard or not.
which sweat lord streamer asked for the nerf or is this bungie doing a bungo?
Osteo is so strong that you didn't need to aim or kill and also if a gun is just that good at ad clear, then why use anything else ? But now, the only thing we can do is hope that osteo doesn't get nuked
The ad clear gun got nerfed and will still be able to ad clear just like it does now... oh no
It’ll be fine. It’ll still be good
[quote]Bungie, why mess with my gun and nerf it next season?Could you please nerf my ghost instead.? Why???[/quote] They used bingle logic, guessing it was about to become a beast next season or dlc, so nerf inbound
Edited by Taejzon23: 10/27/2023 1:24:22 PMThe real answer? "Because we already got you suckers "WE MEAN" Players to buy that season when it came out.... 😂 We only promote buffed guns and armor long enough for the checks to clear, then it's NERF or nothing! Now we can nerf your fun to oblivion! This is the way...... P.s.....sadly, it will NEVER be the same after the nerf either. Just watch. Side note: some of you are taking this post way too seriously!
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
I just got it and masterworked it bruh -
Ha! Hardly see this gun ! But yeah let’s need it but not weapons that have been dominating for last few months 🙄😂
Because Bungie is Lazy, and it's easier to nerf then bring other weapons up to its level
Oh no Probably the most powerful primary in the game gets a tiny nerf. The gun will still be insanely good.
Because osteo is overpowered and the best add clear weapon in the game. It was so good it outclassed every other add clear kinetic weapon
Because they need to sell you a preorder with a new exotic weapon as an incentive for you to spend more money. A year after The Final Shape you'll see some "tuning" of that preorder auto rifle and the apologists will all declare that it was way overdue and that you're a lazy fool for not wanting your gear ruined.
Edited by DustiestBoar734: 10/27/2023 7:00:16 AMBecause it’s one of two exotic primaries relevant in the sandbox. Also, forbearance exists