Matching teams against solos ruins the experience. Please bring back freelance and allow players to choose between freelance or team mode.
Freelance offers faster matchmaking, better connection quality, and superior experience.
If population is the issue, then freelance only is the way. Everyone can play freelance and enjoy fairer lobbies.
FREELANCE or bust - 3/11/2025 1:57:13 AM
The only thing Bungie has to understand on this topic is this: As a solo, losing to a team (because of a team) is such a bad experience it outweighs any good experiences that we have had.. even beating a team. That means hours of good PVP can be outweighed by minutes of clearly unfair team advantage.. for a whole bunch of solo players. So.. then why would we pay for that going forward? Also.. why is all of PVP free and just trials is pay? What kind of strategy is that? You think you will get me to pay for just Trials.. and it doesn't even have freelance? Huh? Overall lots of things to like in PVP but I can't get over this one. -
Matchmaking is stuffed and the myth of casual players ruining trials because they wanted more then the occasional adept weapon is a lie. The 1 percents and skilled players fort the hardcire PvP they wanted but their arrogance exceeded their skill when they got matched up Aginst skilled or higher skilled players and where having difficulty getting adept weapons, which by the argument they use on casual players, they don't deserve. So they moaned and complained because they bit of more then they could chew with hardcore PvP and got it changed so they have the advantage and casual players have none and very little luck on their side and ruined PvP. And when you try to compromise, they are like a brick wall cause they now benefit without playing against people of their skill or higher often. It is true about working as a team and giving good direction, I won 3 games without loosing a mercy cause my team understood this and tactics
I don’t care how many stacked teams I face I really don’t but what I do get annoyed at is having a few good games and then going into a 2-6 stacked team and then 6-1... they weren’t even good if I had a full game I’d have probably won.. There’s no sbmm You win some and bungie will make sure you have no chance of winning your next one.. The 50/50 ratio needs to go 🙈
I really don’t buy into this myth. The amount of practice it takes for a coordinated team to develop useful call outs, compositions and strategies is excessive. Professional teams practice every day for months to get that kind of performance. Those are not the people you are coming up against. You’re coming up against a couple of dudes in their 20’s shouting -blam!- like “he’s one he’s one he’s one” till well after [i]he[/i] has healed back to full. Directions are given without orientation, and the majority of the noise coming through those headsets will not only be outdated when it arrives, more often than not it’ll actually be unhelpful. The game doesn’t need to recreate and rework anything so people who are bad at pvp can cope. If they take the teams out, you’ll still get dunked on. If you were good, people communicating wouldn’t be able to stop you. Is just externalisation of blame. That’s all it is.
Edited by JazzyPaladin477: 10/26/2023 10:44:36 PMYes please. Sbmm or not, any game with pre-made teams turns out to be an absolute gong show. Bungie admitted that as soon as a team enters matchmaking any semblance of skill or connection based matchmaking fly out the window.
Agreed. Freelance was a MUCH better connection on PC.
Edited by NotCreative123: 10/26/2023 10:08:49 PM[quote]Freelance offers faster matchmaking, better connection quality[/quote] Wrong. It splits the playerbase more than FBMM does, which results in slower matchmaking and worse connections (on average). [quote]Everyone can... enjoy fairer lobbies[/quote] It is difficult to balance a game with fireteams. However, having a larger pool of players to choose from means SBMM can be "stricter," which should help balance teams.
Bungie won’t be able to make money by making two separate modes again and will in fact hurt more because it is more things to worry about. How dare you be so selfish and demand so much from a fledgling company! They only make billions upon billions and making content is hard OK!!!! #satire #Bungieneedsmoremoney #fledglingcompany
I get what you mean. The thing is they tend to walk side by side when you play fire teams. I actually think solos are doing it to as they can just walk around as group team shooting. It’s so boring with auto’s being the meta as they can get you 25m away easily. The players are to blame if people want it to stop, stop playing like -blam!-.
I just don't think the game population supports it. Load times would take too long. That's the main reason they ditched freelance.
[quote]Matching teams against solos ruins the experience. Please bring back freelance and allow players to choose between freelance or team mode. [/quote] It didn't work well at the end. It has a reason why they changed it. [quote] Freelance offers faster matchmaking, better connection quality, and superior experience. [/quote] For bad solo-player. Yes (at least if populationis high). For the rest: no it does not and that's one reason why they kicked it out of the game. [quote] If population is the issue, then freelance only is the way. Everyone can play freelance and enjoy fairer lobbies. [/quote] Yeah just because some people refuse to play in teams in a dang MULTIPLAYER-game we should k1ll teamplay comepletely and let everyone play on his own. 🤦♂️ There is nearly no other non BR-shooter that even tried to split the playerpool in a way like this and that has many reasons. But if I look at your matches I can't understand your complains. You have to struggle waaaaaaay more with quitters than teams (and no, they did not quit because the enemies where in a stack, I checked that). You are not even matching that much bigger stacks and if you think 2- or 3-stacks on both sides while you are solo do kill your experience.. then you have for sure other problems. I am Solo-Player and the actual situation with trials is very good for me. I can easily go flawless and my K/D is nearly every week very high. But even I say it is stupid how they killed reasons to play in a team. At first with sbmm and then with pushing solo player that hard. If you play solo you should be able to accept to get a disadvantage when it goes to teamplay. To go now on a 3 stack in trials is nearly unplayable. In PvP Endgame / Competitive you shouldn't be punished for playing in a team.. I mean how stupid is that to give the people less and less reasons to play in a team while the modes are based on talking with each other etc. ?
You have the option to get a team. If yah don't wish to take advantage of something available to you yah don't get to complain..
About as dumb as saying teams only, everyone can create a fire team and have a fair lobby 🙄
[quote]Matching teams against solos ruins the experience. Please bring back freelance and allow players to choose between freelance or team mode. Freelance offers faster matchmaking, better connection quality, and superior experience. If population is the issue, then freelance only is the way. Everyone can play freelance and enjoy fairer lobbies.[/quote] Both FTMM and Freelance have been killing PvP. Get rid of both.
Freelance and FTBMM both need abolished if we’re gonna be real with one another.
Would still split the ever shrinking playerbase, the reason they ditched freelance
So far I can't see (yet) any positive/beneficial changes coming from their new task force. Rather deterioration in particular with regards to mm. But maybe the task force had no impact yet (me potentially blaming the wrong people/team) and maybe things need to become worse before becoming better. My personal (egoistic) concern is that after having had a good time and a lot of fun in Crucible due to the reintroduction of more SBMM elements we might see (current perception) the pendulum swing back to mm criteria w/ less/no consideration of skill. I respect the expectation of short/reasonable mm times. But I rather wait 1-2 minutes for a game and enjoy the match than being matched instantly and having a bad time being stomped.
At this point with how crucible sucks crucible should be a stand alone game they’re not fixing anything constantly in imbalanced teams beyond messed up just not fun whatsoever.
Bungie has moved away from freelance and is focusing on fireteam MM.
Freelance is needed for the solo players
The games population doesn't allow for that because they neglected pvp for years ... I really liked freelance but well... As soon as they get positive feedback they scrap it. I bet they will say something like this soon: "We heard you like checkmate! We decided to make mayhem the default crucible for that reason. Also buy some silver!"
It would be cool to get at least one standalone freelance playlist. Maybe it shouldn't be the only way because that's just not the way some people like to play and it probably woudln't be all that much different if it had to be heavily sbmm so people that don't enjoy playing solo would play at the beginning of the season in between their pve activities. Then the rest of the season the matchmaking would still be spinning around like that with no pve people to fill in their gaps.