Dear Devs,
I have one suggestion for a change to the Behemoth Super:
Currently if you slide during Glacial Quake, you are not able to perform a Heavy Attack until your sliding animation is over.
I would suggest to change that, and letting a R2 / Heavy Attack cancel the slide. Like you can with Burning Maul.
This little change would make the super feel less clunky in my opinion.
I would appreciate it, if this suggestion reached you.
Thank you and have a great day!
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
mentally unstable grunt - 3/11/2025 7:40:23 PM
I don’t even have a titan -
The same is true for Fist of Havoc , making both supers feel clunky and non responsive! Please consider a change with this particular "mechanic"!
They should also reduce the spread of the stasis crystals on the slam and reduce the moving time needed to shatter nearby crystals. Reducing spread helps crystals do damage more consistently, increases ease of actually freezing enemies in PvE, and makes the attack somewhat viable in PvP so the attack isn’t just RNG. The shatter thing is mostly a personal preference. Was playing Behemoth yesterday and found the shattering ability of glacial quake to be really lackluster without Cryoclasm. This goes double for ad-control where targets are more spread out and your melee isn’t as effective of shattering things and you can’t rely on crystals auto-shattering like you can with bosses.
Should rework the entire super one n done
They should also give it the buff where you can aim the heavy attack while doing the animation like burning maul.
I have an idea. With how sprawled the crystals are what if slide heavy attacks caused you to lift a group from the floor. This group would be closer together and closer to the user than the normal heavy. Perhaps at some penalty, though... Maybe not.
[quote]Dear Devs, I have one suggestion for a change to the Behemoth Super: Currently if you slide during Glacial Quake, you are not able to perform a Heavy Attack until your sliding animation is over. I would suggest to change that, and letting a R2 / Heavy Attack cancel the slide. Like you can with Burning Maul. This little change would make the super feel less clunky in my opinion. I would appreciate it, if this suggestion reached you. Thank you and have a great day! Zero[/quote] Going from one animation to another on behemoth feels clunky. It could definitely use some touch ups.
Edited by Eatz: 10/25/2023 10:37:38 PMWhy are you sliding at all in glacial quake? You do know the melee makes you go 500 mph, right?? If anything, you should be has HIGH as you possibly can. This isn’t an irrational ask, I’m just confused why you’re not taking advantage of how [i]fast[/i] this super really is.
The super is the least of my concern. Sure it’s terrible, but everything else Behemoth has is worse. The exotics for the subclass are terrible, the melee is awful, the grenades are awful, and the aspects are just atrocious as well. It’s the worst subclass, and needs more than “heavy attack while sliding in your super” to fix it.
This is a nerf both Glacial Quake and Fists of Havoc received a while ago, and a very stupid one Glad a fellow bruv is spreading the word, it is very annoying and clunky and just makes the Super way less reactive Bump