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Clan Recruitment

Look for Clans or seek new members.
10/14/2023 1:20:05 PM

Looking for clan

I'm looking to join a clan from vanilla d2, all my old clans are either inactive or consist of only my friend group (which I'm trying to get out of playing with consistently due to them being the ONLY people that are on anymore.) I'm a d1 get and was a part of the beta, I raid, PvP and gambit during my spare time and have IT and bot programming experience to assist with discords or other chat rooms.
#active #Clans #Lone

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  • Clan Frostbitten now recruiting! New Light? Returning Veteran? Solo sick of LFGs? Welcome to Ƒrostbitten! Our clan welcomes everyone, from new players just seeing what the light can bring, to those who braved the unknown in ages past and became legends. Ƒrostbitten is a relaxed group of gaurdians who do PvE and PvP activities, as well as teaching mechanics and strategies for them. We also have people interested in the deeper lore and theory crafting of the Destiny universe. If you want to learn raids, dungeons, Trials, etc. to improve or even to teach others, we have pro's that can help. We would love you to be a part of this warm and welcoming family that has been created, so take off your boots, relax to Shaxx's mixtape, and enjoy your stay. Apply to join at the clan page here! Then join us on our Discord server here! Remember - Do not brave the cold alone, Guardians

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  • Hi ... Bro i made a clan Looking for ppl to not just play but actually become friends and do everything together ... i am tired of playing with random ppl ...If u want you can join ....and have a mic My clan is very new So not many people right now but i will find many more in next days

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  • Clan [b]DΞSTINY[/b] with dedicated Discord server is recruiting. 💠 We are a laid-back group of Guardians who share a passion for taking on the challenges that the Destiny universe has to offer. Whether you’re into raiding, conquering the toughest PvE content, or dominating in group Crucible matches, you’ll find a home here. 💠 Our main goal is to create a friendly, non-toxic environment for everyone who wants to enjoy a healthy gaming experience. [u]There's no place for hate, racism and discrimination of any kind in [b]DΞSTINY[/b].[/u] 💠 Our philosophy is simple: Have fun, make friends, and enjoy the journey. We understand that life can get busy, so we value a relaxed atmosphere where real-life commitments come first. No pressure, no elitism—just a supportive community of players who love Destiny. 💠 We use Discord to co-ordinate, share information, and just hang out with each other, so make yourself visible to others. We prioritize teamwork and camaraderie. If you're a strictly solo player, this clan is probably not for you. [b]If you're interested in joining or have questions about the clan, please reach out to our admins on Discord[/b] [b]See You Starside![/b]✨

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  • ✨Our MFT Family Community has something for everyone ~ Experience is Shared, Knowledge is Gained, Support is Provided, Guardians are United - No One Gets Left Behind {All Platforms} MFT is a place to Escape to for Relaxation & Big Fun. All we ask is that you just be respectful to each other and check in at least once a month. (No inappropriate - gt's or offensive pfp please) "Moving Forward Together" All members are active- Some choose solo gaming, others play with their friends, and then there are those looking to make new friends. They all get it done. Some enjoy being a part of an active discord community, and some do not. The choice is yours. All divisions below are active multi-platform, endgame, friendly clans- Most importantly is we all game together- so take your pick. Enjoy the freedom of choice. Our discord is an active Gaming Community filled with friendly, helpful, loyal, humorous, fun-loving members from all time zones, and we intend to maintain it as our special toxic free place where we meet up daily and it is members only. *****We have a fantastic team of members willing to help you get those 1st raid clears***** Although Discord is not a mandatory requirement, I have yet to figure out how some gamers survive without it. It's a place where teams are created. We encourage use but will never demand it. Whether you’re changing clans, returning or starting out - our door is open, and you are welcome. **************************************************************************************************** Task Force One (TFO) Laid Back but Active Strong Guardians / Great Team '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' High Lethality Force (HLF) Join the Force ~ Solo Gamers ~ Enjoying Teaming Up """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Combat Assault Team (CATS) Solo Guardians Getting it Done Together """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Strategic Ops Squad (SOS) Working Together & Having Fun ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''" Moving Forward Together (MFT) (Our 1st born)

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  • Recruiting for 2 clans on this post. First clan Unbroken Redux and Second clan Redux Gaming Empire. Are you a dad that is looking for an active clan? Unbroken Redux might just be the place for you. If you are an active player and a dad then you have found the right one. If you are not a dad proceed to the last paragraph to join an allied casually active clan. We are **Unbroken Redux** we are a "dads" clan run by dads and looking for more dads to join us. Our roots are from Dads of Destiny. We understand the how busy it can be being a father managing work, family, school events and gaming. We are looking for new dads to join us to tackle Light Fall and season of the Witch. We are mainly on PSN, but also accepting Xbox and PC players. We are looking for new clan member to join us. We have strong PVE players and we are groin our PVP player base especially with the new ranked system. We have 2 other allied clans on our discord so you will never be short on a fire team. What we offer as a clan... A clan that will play the entire season, not just the first 3 weeks A very active and inclusive clan that plays with it's clan members A very active social discord server We also have a very helpful sherpa program. What we are looking for in new clan members... Members that are fathers (dad) Members that have the most recent content Members that will be social on discord (text chat) Members that will be active in game Members that are not only looking for help, but help others in return as well with quest, raids, Trials, etc Members that live on one of these time zones EST, CST, MST or PST (time zones can make it difficult to play with clan members) Member that understand that real life always comes first (Members must be active on discord and in game) Request to join only if you plan on... playing with clan members when invited being active in game, on discord and are in the NA continent What we are not looking for are toxic players and cheaters who exploit the game. *Must be active on either Discord. If you do not plan on using discord please do not request to join. It is where we socialize and set up activities. Keep an eye out on your bungie messages if you request to join. **Redux Gaming Empire** If you are not a dad, but would like to join an active clan request to join at this link It is an allied clan of ours

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  • About us: A small clan looking to recruit Guardians from the UK/US region. . The Golden boys clan can offer that tightly knit community feel that you are looking for when wanting to engage in endgame level activities. Our main focuses are Seals/Raids/day one/trials and comp and we are looking for like-minded mature adults who share a passion for Destiny. Join our Discord to coordinate and keep in touch, whether you're a triumph hunter, gilded conqueror, seasoned raider, or just an all-around Destiny buff. Requirements: • Be active (most of us have jobs and lives yet we need to be able to rely on your commitment to activities). • Be mature (see above). • Have Lightfall and current season (duh!). • Know some raids at least (we can show you the rest but you should have solid raiding experience). • Have discord. Join here: If you're interested or have questions, feel free drop a message. Otherwise, send a request to join we'll send you a discord link after acceptance.

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  • Xi Morior Invictus iX is recruiting for endgame PvE players. The type that like to grind out raids, dungeons, Grandmaster Nightfalls, etc. We also go for whatever titles/seals there are to acquire in the game as well. Also, if you're a hardcore PvP player but want to start getting in the PvE endgame side, check us out. We are mainly based in the US, however, we do have a handful of people located in the UK/EU timezones as well. We are a cross platform clan, so your system does not matter at all. We have a Discord set up for comms and to set up activities, like raids, dungeon runs, etc. It is required to join the Discord server upon entering the clan, because if you don't, you'll just end up missing out on everything, as where Discord is where all the members chat. We are also a clan that likes to joke around and have fun, so we may end up roasting you/each other, all in fun though. We are a dysfunctional bunch that have lots of laughs together. On top of that, we have an Among Us clan night about every 3 or 4 weeks where it's just a bunch of chaotic fun in Among Us. And several players in the clan are now playing Diablo 4. So we have a small variety in the clan, it's not just Destiny all the time. Quick rundown of some things we do: ⚪grind out raids, and eventually earn the seal dedicated to the raid (ie: Fatebreaker, Disciple-Slayer, Rivensbane, Dream Warrior, etc.) ⚪Sherpa people through raids/Dungeons if need be. We have several members that are always happy to be a teacher/guide. ⚪Run dungeons, for either pinnacles or to farm armor stats or weapon drops. ⚪Focus on gilding Conqueror whenever Grandmaster Nightfalls roll around. ⚪We also play Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris as well. ⚪Among Us clan nights where players are very sus and trust is broken. As well as grinding out in Diablo 4. If you're interested in joining, let me know.

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  • Guardian Dads is looking for new members. We are a clan of Dads, Mom's and all sorts of people (not just Dad's). The point of our clan is to have a fun relaxed gaming group. We do get into endgame and high level activities but we understand that real life happens. We are an adult clan (18+). All we ask is that you be respectful to our fellow clan mates. We are cross-platform, we use discord to do voice chats, in clan lfg and to just chat with each other. Most of our members are Destiny in the evening (6pm to 12am, eastern time) SomeGuardian are on during the day. Discord is highly recommended but not required.

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  • Calling all solo guardians! People part of a solo or inactive clan! People who need an active community! People who want to be welcomed! No fancy requirements on skill level! A structured system of getting and giving help! Look no farther! Be a part of a welcoming, friendly clan where cliques don't exist and you can join up and start making friends. Be included in raids, dungeons, nightfalls ! Be part of a community who will teach you and be patient with you. We do ALL aspects of the game, have ALL platforms, 18 and over, ALL timezones . Discord link is provided once you apply to the clan for membership. Please leave old clan before applying as bungie won't let me accept you until you do. We do not host a open discord to the community it's exclusive to members only. We ask that only guardians wanting to be part of a social community apply. To keep membership you must be interactive with your clan. This space works because people are here to utilize the resources available and willing to be friendly and play with everyone. Come be a part of a community who mission is to help and be a part of a positive place where guardians get content done and make long lasting friendships. We are more than a clan we are family.

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  • Sent DM :)

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