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Edited by Tall: 10/9/2023 9:34:18 PM

aNtAeUs WaRdS nErF rUiNs tHeM iN pVe

You don’t use Young Ahamkaras Spine in PVE, stop lying. They’re obviously incredibly strong in PVP and that’s why they’re getting nerfed. Free kills with minimal investment (much like AWs). If I had a dollar for every hunter I’ve seen in PVE using YAS, I’d have $0.50 (for everyone that says they use them in PVE all the time). Edit: I genuinely forgot I posted this lol. Bungie said a long time ago they’re trying to cut back on ability reliance/uptime including PVE, hence the HOIL nerf back when. Does it suck? Yes. Is it warranted? Yes. Do hunters have significantly better PVE options? Absolutely.

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  • Worst take I've seen. YAS was a great tool for pve. Just because it's not seen everywhere doesn't mean it wasn't a great option. I never saw any in pvp. So revert that nerf. Definitely, as 1 player, never seeing it, must mean it doesn't exist.

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    • You are lying to yourself. Young ahamkara's is widely used and was used for solo caretaker in VOW.

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      12 Replies
      • Edited by ACROCANTHUS: 10/8/2023 7:13:00 AM
        What? Plenty of people use YAS in PvE. Can I have a hit of whatever you're smoking? It's obviously pretty potent. I bet you feel stupid now, huh?

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        • Edited by Ray: 10/8/2023 1:39:11 PM
          They were fire in pve. A fun rotation, especially for boss damage if you had a heavy with demolitionist. I don’t get comparing AW to them however, for pve at least.

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        • Exactly! In typical hunter fashion, it's an absolute [i]deluge[/i] of tears followed by "bUt pVe" knowing full well they don't even use their solar subclass in pve anymore.

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          • I’m going to hope this post is a joke.

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          • I use YAS in pve and it was fine pvp is what broke it and exotics shouldn't be allowed in pvp. That way things are more balanced

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          • No one uses AW in PVE. What even is this post? So your claiming that someone, who actually uses YAS in PVE, doesn't, cause you haven't seen it? You're telling players how much they use something based on the handful of players you have seen compared to the many that are in this game and you haven't played with before? There is no logic to this post. You are just seeking attention. Don't tell others how much THEY value a specific exotic. I have literally heard people tell me no one uses Vex Mythoclast while I have a 53,000 kill Vex equipped that they didn't even realize yet.

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            • Noob

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            • I used them both in pve and pvp, they were strong in both sides of the game. Especially when a dps encounter favored rockets you could shoot a rocket and spam nades reload shoot rocket and spam more nades. Do I Carr they got nerfed tho, not really there are a ton of dps options and builds in this game.

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            • YAS in PvE on Hunter was a strong and popular loadout. If you didn't see it, it's because you're blind, or don't play PvE. It was absolutely butchered by this change. The only thing needed was the first change, not the ability regen and the PvP problems were solved. Now it's just another exotic with boring perks that are not worth using.

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              • I 100 run them in PVE, im upset they are getting a nerf. My favorite build to runon the hunter

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              • Ah, i get it. You just don't run pve? Almost any solar hunter I've seen is married to yas. Solar hunter was pretty popular after 3.0 and doesnt have many exotics dedicated to it. Celestial has been power crept by star eater. Calibans doesn't work too well in endgame. Ophidia spathe isn't too great (imo). Athrys helps with unstoppable champs, but its only one stun then you're out of a knife. Shines greatly in pvp though. Yas is kinda the best option for high content since it was able to clear trash mobs and get enough energy back from that wave clear to have it back in time for another wave.

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              • I DID use them in PvE. Hell, I only play PvP like twice a year. I'm not fretting over a nerfed exotic though. This is normal and expected by us veterans.

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              • Lol wat if u use wards in pve u should rethink of playing pve

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              • 1

                Eyes Up Guardian - old

                GeT A nEw KeYBoArD, YoUrS sEeMs To bE BrOkEn

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              • Tbh ive seen a lot of players using YAS in pve. Its probably the most common exotic solar hunters were using in GM's when i was doing lfg runs The rotation between abilities was fun and powerfull.

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                5 Replies
                • I think Ahamkara does have a PvE argument but a PvP nerf is warranted. I can’t wait for the Ophidian Aspect and Peacekeepers nerfs that will inevitably be next and players saying this ruins PvE.

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                  • Antaeus Wards are the coolest looking exotics in the game, i’d use them in PvE for fashion 😂 but now they’re useless useless

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                    • You've clearly never run an activity with me, if I'm running Solar I can almost guarantee that's the Exotic I'm using.

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                    • I use them in pve, not played one single second of PvP this season 🤣🤣

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                    • Do I have news for you, I run them in pve, and I never play pvp. Did the same with Stompees. YAS is super fun in pve.

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                      4 Replies
                      • Good troll post ngl

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                      • I used them in d1

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