At first, I was all for the chaos, the pure insanity driven by watching bosses get melted, entire rooms dying to an auto rifle firing rockets and shotgun shells. It was fun an exciting to watch....till I realized my pc was too good even with the all videos I watched and the settings changed to make the glitch work.
As an outside observer, not able to join in the fun, unlike laser tag weekend, I saw the reason why people have stated their hatred of it. It felt like an exclusive club that the many will enjoy and abuse, while others watch till the update takes it all away.
If this was something else, like a guaranteed way to craft abominations, where everyone can enjoy it by simply having craftable weapons unlocked, than I would fall back onto "Let chaos reign" . But seeing as how i have yet to perform it, and have seen efforts of survival feel wasted when another player simply lets loose hell. My point of view is in the middle ground, i see its good, and now i see its bad.
Will it change the game?, no, just like laser tag weekend, it will be a fun romp through high damage death. Then it will be patched away to never be seen again until the telesto becomes craftable..than some new hell will rise where that will shot sniper round stick bombs at people
Thats all, i hope alot of people join me on the fence to watch the world burn around us
Bungie literally handed out all the free carries, free loot, quick accomplishments, easy content clears, and fast material farming during this "event" and people were still complaining about it. This type of glitch happens once in a blue moon and it comes and goes faster than you can solo 1 phase Crota with a glitched GL. It's a refresher the players needed and wasn't boring at all because it only lasted a couple of days. If you seized the opportunity and had a blast like I did, props to you. For the rest of the Karens and party poopers out there...I hope this message reaches you in good spirits and you learn to have a little fun sometimes.
Edited by Olórin: 9/19/2023 2:27:25 AMPvE = Let it reign + i want more of it. PvP = If people are trying to play legit then Nah not at someone elses expense. If there was a way to keep it in PvE but seperate crafted combos in PvP then I'd be all up for it, its been tons of fun.
I might be on the fence but definitely tipping toward the chaos. I agree it devalues some achievements, but I also see a lot of unhealthy anger from people who put way too much value on their achievements in this game compared to other people. Hopefully this can break some people from that mindset.
When everyone has access to a glitch, it would be a different discussion. But when it hurts other players experience of PvP i’m against it. Seeing them in trials, crucible and gambit just isn’t acceptable in my opinion. Not to mention that it is something players have to do knowingly in order to obtain the glitched weapons. The advantage they gain is too massive. Those type of players earned a week ban in my view as a warning. If you don’t teach them now they will think anything goes.
One major glitch is all it takes to get people to shut up about legendary shards. It seems intentional.
Fight fire with fire. But if everyone is playing the standard, don't get bent and switch to mutated weapons. That's how I see it.
Edited by Kuhl MC: 9/17/2023 12:13:08 PMMy opinion is, that stuff like that shouldn't exist. Exploits like that lead to perma bans in any other multiplayer game, rightfully so imo. It not only completely destroys PvP (which I don't care about, not touching that cesspool at all since D1), but also devalues any PvE achievement, that certain people worked hard for in the past (GMs, Master Raids, solo dungeons, etc.). An absolute disgrace from Bungie's side, probably because they simply have no emergency teams on D2 anymore over the week-ends to cut costs... No rollback means, that the damage is inevitably done, while every in comparison minor thing in the past (like shards from event class items or infinte supers) were addressed immediately, leading to disabled abilities, loadouts, etc. Why not simply disable crafting across the board, as soon as those first abominations popped up and insta ban those, who abused them as any other game dev would have done? Maybe, because they than had to ban half of their so called "community voices" a.k.a. streamers and Youtubers thus loosing parts of their hype train and free marketing agenda? And isn't it funny, that no one talks about legendary shards and increased focusing costs anymore? Just pathetic imo and a clear indicator, that they don't care for their aging cash cow anymore. Can't imagine, that they had handled this the way they did now back in year one or two, absolutely no way. Lost any interest in playing due to this, especially, because my normal crafted weapons will also be disabled until they fixed this due to those just "having fun"... Thanks for nothing!
I understand why people are having fun with it. I understand why others are upset either having their achievements trivialized, or being abused by other people having their fun. Personally I just think it's another nail in the coffin of this game. I don't want to feel like I have to have someone else's version of fun, or jump through the hoops of a glitch or end up being on the opposite end of someone else's fun. It without a doubt has harmed every aspect of the game, fun or not. Bungie's lack of action just compounds it. I don't even want to turn the game on to qualify for some pointless " 'member when ____?" emblem. The game was already in a pretty rough spot in my eyes and this didn't help. Enjoy it while it lasts. As always, community has to be divided over some dumb -blam!-, this is just the latest thing...
I don't use it and will be glad once it's gone.
This was a hard glitch to pull off, ngl. It took me hours on some to get them to work. But once I got them it was ridiculous. I really hope Bungie recognizes that fun is more desirable than whatever it is they are doing right now.
[quote]Overwhelming positivity everywhere but on this app. No surprise there tho. If bungies wants to keep that momentum going they need to find a way to incorporate the bug into the game in a way it [b]won’t affect pvp at all[/b], and [b]add a way for players to opt out[/b] of the mayhem. All I can say is this is one bug the devs shouldn’t feel bad about. Look into it and do something epic with it. This was the best thing to happen in d2 in a very very long time.
Edited by InsipidPanda: 9/18/2023 8:05:40 AM60% in favor, let's go! Shut it Loud Baby minority!
Yall are bored, i know.... i bet its depressing, no more entertainment.... whats even funny is that YOU, require a GLITCH to make destiny 2 fun?? Jeez..... the glitch WILL BE FIXED soon, putting you back to boredom.... well i will give you a glorious life with this awesome video game... Fallout 76.. If you disagree with this... feel free to downvote me to hell and post your comments of insults saying ur still having fun in destiny 2, but hey! Living in denial is OK! Don't let me stop you! #livingindenial Are you getting sick of cheaters? Then... fallout 76, do yourself a favor and stop living in denial
Who cares - funny gun go brrrt.
Edited by RabbitTears: 9/17/2023 6:51:26 PMI say let people have fun
Chaos is poweerrrrrrrr powerrrrrr equals fairnessss
I'll watch the world burn. Hell I'll even light a match if it'll help. Come to think of it. All the people complaining are really just voices of the Witness. Vape head is worried about being one shot into oblivion
The problem is that not everyone can craft the glitched weapons
Day one got flawless normally then this stuff hit and hated it then next morning reading the tweets I'm like crap this is viral and bungie can't fix it so might as well embrace it. Got 2 flaw then called it for pvp and then I just ran rampant in pve with friends and doing solo dungeons I've already done solo and gms I've already completed.
I wonder how many people are going to pretend they got certain achievements legit now. It's one thing to just not care but people who do that are creepy.
I am and will always be Team Chaos.
Just embrace the fun, it’ll be over soon. It’s just one weekend of this. Not a major inconvenience, right?
I’m waiting until it’s fixed to play, but I’m happy they let people have fun with it.
Edited by jmann43b: 9/17/2023 9:23:30 AMI feel I should add some context to my choice. Players can have at it, go nuts, "LET CHAOS REIGN," as you so succinctly put it. But personally, I haven't engaged in the rampaging frivolity because, schmuck that I am, I complete triumphs, seals, and the like for me, and I would always know that I didn't earn them legitimately. That's not to say I didn't consider it, several times in fact, nor do I look down on those that take the opportunity and use it to their full advantage. I simply choose not to. Edit: I really wanted to push the 'shiny button,' but thought it more important to be honest. What can I say, I'm a simple creature.
It's a game. It doesn't require as essay on your thoughts lol.