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9/10/2023 5:01:38 PM

100% flawless idea to combat crucible BS

Anytime you press crouch while firing, you lose 100% accuracy, which stacks 10x. These scum with modded/aftermarket controllers need to be purged.

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  • So, basically you want your enemy to stand still and bot walk in to your gunfire, instead of trying to use movement to make you miss a couple head shots (using movement as the skill which beats you) you don’t need modded controllers to crouch. You map it to analog stick and press it. If you use hold to crouch instead of toggle it’ll go up and down faster but you will need to hold it to stay crouched…..

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    • Jumping is oppressive. Sliding is oppressive. Crouching is oppressive. I won’t be happy until everyone is bot walking around with no skill gap.

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      • Bungie actually listening to people like you is the reason this game is in the gutter.

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        21 Replies
        • I also think when a player camps off radar after a second or two, they should lose their shields. This game is a former shell of itself. So many players using mouse and keyboard or modded controllers. Others lag so bad they don't take proper damage etc...

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        • Crouch-shooting isn't effective enough to warrant that Also, you can crouch shoot without cheating. It's not exactly difficult

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        • Someones salty about their skill gap

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        • Where were these kids in Black Ops hell even WaW lol Dolphin dives say hello

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        • I don’t have a special controller and I crouch and stand during engagements (not flat out spam because I don’t think it helps when you spam it). I do play claw idk if that makes it easier or not. But any sort of movement tech even crouching is where the skill gap jumps beyond aim. I don’t know why you would punish players that are able to keep their aim and crouch at the same time. That sounds like a punishment for being good. I do agree macros and magical controllers are annoying but the difference is barely there.

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        • Agree, spam crouch should have a penalty in aim assistance/accuracy like airborne effectiveness.

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          4 Replies
          • Or, you could just try to get better, but I digress.

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          • Edited by Hendo: 9/12/2023 5:36:32 PM
            Good thing I use a Licensed Microsoft Elite Controller with 4 extra Buttons And if I’m not using my Elite I play Claw

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          • You really shouldn't have much accuracy while moving up and down like that. Would someone doing that in real life have more accuracy than someone else that was standing there?

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            35 Replies
            • This is actually a good idea.

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            • It just makes no sense that accuracy stays the same if they jump, slide or crouch. It's mindless. However, this game is all about cheese and BS, especially in pvp. You've seen what pvp mains want, and they are going to get it. That would be 100% fine, if pvp and pve were COMPLETELY separated, yet that's never gonna happen. What we will have again is ruined experience for everyone else cause of 20%. Life repeats itself indeed...

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            • They need to nerf crouch spamming like how Battlebit nerfed lean spamming.

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            • Bungie:Approved!

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            • Edited by RabbitTears: 9/12/2023 12:24:41 AM
              I mean you can always buy a paddle controller 😂 They’re league In tournament play I use the raze wolverine v2 with 3 bumpers. It’s on sale for $70

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            • High impact fusions do the trick to crouch spammers

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            • You guys really hate when a skill ceiling exists. I don’t even spam-crouch despite using a scuf, but I’m still displeased by how bad players complained about people jump-shooting, enough to get Bungie to make the Airborne Effectiveness stat instead of just adapting.

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            • Edited by BraddyBo: 9/11/2023 8:59:24 AM
              Scufs/xbox elite controllers are officially licensed products and 100% fair game. Cheat devices that offer scripts is cheatings and the solution to that problem is to add proper cheat hardware detection and permaban players on the very first offense (although devs won’t do this because ~25% of players will magically disappear).

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            • Mad cuz bad fr it’s not hard to crouch repeatedly

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            • You can crouch spam with no mods or third party controllers VERY easily. It's literally just a different button layout.

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            • Edited by Vapor: 9/10/2023 6:49:31 PM
              Or you just set crouch to r3 like i do on a regular old ps5 controller. It's not cheating, you're just bad.

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              1 Reply
              • What I'm confused about is why do they bother doing that crouch spam nonsense. I don't actually believe there is any legitimate benefit in doing it, in my eyes it just messes up your ability to put shots where you want them since your perspective is changing constantly. I just do the old school strafe near cover. I have an odd feeling any marginal benefit crouch spamming might have is negated by the bullet magnetism and AA inherent to every weapon.

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                4 Replies
                • Bind hold to crouch to R3 and click it in. Any controller can do it…

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                • Or Bumper Jumper and change slide/crouch to R1?

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