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8/5/2023 8:22:24 AM

Gambit has low engagement because you keep killing and neglecting it lol

Bungie --> ignores Gambit, takes away maps, doesn't add new maps, barely any new loot (and none of it is desirable and it's all lazy reskins anyways), Gambit Prime vaulted, no new bosses, heavy spam and balance problems everywhere... And then Bungie wonders "Why is Gambit dead?" LMAO, you cannot make this up. Actual poverty developer kills and neglects this mode, doesn't realize why (or won't admit it), and then puts the final bullet in Gambit's whipped head from this tragic SOTG. I cannot imagine how incompetent you have to be to let this happen despite a sea of suggestions, improvements, and money that they're getting.

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  • Exactly, they reworked it into it's worst form to date. Completely ignored the community's insights. Then don't touch it, don't fix it, and don't add anything to it for years then say "why no engage with". oh -blam!- man, no clue

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    • it genuinely feels like they are trying to blame US for its failure lmao. Craziest -blam!- I've ever seen lmao. Same thing with the ritual armor. "You guys aren't using it enough so we're making less" have you SEEN that armor Bungie? Put half of the effort you put into the eververse armor into the ritual and people will use them. Blaming us for that is hilarious. Clown show over there.

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      • Gambit can be pretty awesome when it’s not just populated by players forced to play it for Pinnacle and bounty rewards. Invading needs the rework.

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      • Truly a self-fulfilling prophecy. They start by reducing attention given to the core playlists because they aren’t monetized. Then, players start playing them less because they are given bare minimum content. This, in turn, leads to Bungie seeing player engagement in these activities is low. And so they reduce the attention given to them even more. Bungie has proven multiple times that when it comes to data interpretation, they cherry pick and fail to consider context. Players don’t play Gambit because they refuse to innovate, revitalize, and address key issues with the mode. Players don’t wear ritual armor sets because they are intentionally designed to be lower quality (both statistically and visually) than endgame and Eververse armor sets. I may not entirely disagree with their ultimate decisions (personally not super offended by not getting a trash set of armor every year or not updating a mode most players avoid like the plague) but I disagree with the logic used to reach them and the ignoring of vital context.

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        • They should just turn it into a PvE horde mode. The community is so split between PvE and PvP that a mode that tried to combine the two was never going to work.

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          17 Replies
          • Edited by StarSol: 8/8/2023 12:35:19 AM
            I'm not surprised. They said Titan Bubble was oppressive in a Fortress game mode that forced you to use Void and nothing else. Instead of realizing that they mandated a subclass (void) to use for Iron Banner. They applied a nerf based on usage rates that week. Whether it needed nerfed in actuality or not isn't the problem. The incompetence and way they reached to a conclusion was dumbfounding. I'm not surprised anymore. Game is in the Eververse toilet.

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          • It's an old seasonal activity. Seriously, please DCV it!!!

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          • Allowing infinite raids 1 after another is just terrible design. How about an option where you get 0 raids.

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          • People hate Gambit because they're bad. It's just like pvp. The game mode is fun in my opinion

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            7 Replies
            • Edited by livin like larry: 8/8/2023 4:08:22 AM
              That and the comment about how the core playlist armor have low adoption rates made me laugh. Like yeah, no one uses them because they’re ugly af! Most of the good looking stuff is locked behind eververse.

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            • The modes trash though More pvpish things wasn’t what the game ever needed

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            • Whether we wanted to or not. we found ourselves in the crucible against, without a new map. So let's see how to use the resources, one by one. Valus Avarice Sloth. We know he rules Bungie from an Imperial land tank (out of good graces from fans). But with the right boycott we can destroy the "beast" and loosen their grip on Libernia's Eververse funds. 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺

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            • Honestly this is just confirming what most already knew. As with the entire franchise it was an excellent idea that was poorly implemented. I mean that seriously sums up this entire framchise.

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              2 Replies
              • I agree with you Des. I do miss the reckoning days as well. It was such a fun game mode that had a lot of potential for improvement and additions.

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              • Let’s be honest gambit was never going to work.

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                • I recall a lot of people outraged that Bungie even did season of the Drifter because Gambit was not well liked. Maybe times have changed, but it just seems odd to me that so many people have upvoted this. I'd prefer time spent on just about anything else personally. (not that they're spending time on anything at this point)

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                • True

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                • I don’t mind gambit but there has literally been no reason to play it for a while now. Needs some updates and a weapon that’s not garbage to chase.

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                • They’ve done everything they set out to do last year. Bar maps. Maps aren’t going to save this gamemode. It’s been dead since forsaken. Stop kicking a dead horse.

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                • Not sure why people are suggesting Gambit should have no invasions. You people realize the whole point of the game mode is PvE AND PvP?

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                  4 Replies
                  • Bungie has tried to fix gambit before. Here’s my thing with how they responded to gambit. If bungie said nothing they’re -blam!-, if bungie removed it they’re -blam!- if bungie changed it again they’re -blam!-. This was a lose lose scenario for them. They’ve tried to update it and it’s failed

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                  • This isn't true lol. They wanted it to be an e sport, so Bungie put plenty of time and resources into gambit, trying to increase the engagement. They used to update it regularly, even started balancing the game around it (gambit was the death of many heavy weapons), etc. It was the community that ignored it no matter what, mainly because of invading. A good portion of the community dislikes the pvp aspect of it, hence why bungie kept nerfing it in every update, trying to appease the complainers. And no matter what they did, the community still ignored it. That's why I have no issue with what was said in the state of the game. I'm actually happy they finally mentioned gambit after not saying the word for over 2 years lol. At least now, as a gambit fan, I know not to hold out hope waiting and wanting them to show it love. Also, with the new direction, it means a couple of things that I find will better the mode. 1. They won't keep making changes, aka nerfing mechanics/weapons, trying to get people to play it. 2. I should get better matches and teammates because the majority of people in there will be there cause they want to.

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                  • I think from the direction of travel pvp and gambit would have been monetised with another pass eventually but bandwidth is limited and they want new ips. Bungie have a plan and those aren't in it. I'm sure they'll string players along for as long as they can in the meantime though. I'm not a fan of Gladd but he's right on that.

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                  • They should just increase the rewards. I want some more Trust Rolls.

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                  • No one is wondering why it's dead. We all know why lol. It's not some mystery to anyone, especially Bungie lmao.

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                  • Gambit had a consolidation in Beyond Light alongside the great Sunsetting, along with every ritual activity losing maps. Gambit had a decent bit of rework done to it in Witch Queen (1.5 years ago) for the pacing and progression of the game as a result of feedback. imo, it was great. Made the game more consistent to play in a competitive sense. But overall, people whined and PvP remained the star-focused child for touch-ups since those plaeyrs are the most vocal. And so, Gambit had no other reworks or updates. PvE and PvP individually needed the most work, and received the most attention due to Gambit's overall lack of interaction. No matter what happened, you can guarantee the PvP Crowd was the loudest. Now we're in Lightfall. Strikes had their Battlegrounds inclusions to expand available activities. Iron Banner has it's new modes. Trials has had numerous labs and adjustments season over season. Crucible had it's matchmaking adjustments, usual weapon balances, and a new organization / playlist category split. Bungie finally acknowledges Gambit. Gambit gets FBMM, meaning a consolidation back into a singular node and no longer splitting the playerbase with Freelance. However, that's all the new updates they get until Final Shape. In order to alleviate the player base's pain point of Gambit, they reduced the challenges to make it easier to complete pinnacles wherever people want BUT APPARENTLY THAT IS A BAD THING. Gambit still gets new seasonal weapons, Gambit is still a source of pinnacles for those who want to play it, Gambit will still be available as an activity to complete seasonal challenges. Bungie never said they're fully removing Gambit activity requirements, the word was reduced. I, for one, will be happy to no longer need to RANK RESET TWICE FOR A GAMBIT ORNAMENT when the other challenges could be cleaned up in 2-5 games.

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