Hallöchen from Germany,
at first, sorry for my english. I started a help-request because i did the Destiny-survey weeks ago and until now, i am not getting the promised 1500 Silver.
below you can see a mail, i have got today. Where i have been instructed to send a request here.
Can somebody help? or have i go deeper in deep.
Best wishes
Hello Nakich,
Destiny Player Support has reviewed your comments on Help Request 2*****.
Unfortunately, our contact form and agents are not set up to investigate this issue.
For help regarding the issue you are encountering, please try one of the following:
Search help.bungie.net for relevant Help Articles or Guides
Post in the #Help forums where other players, volunteer Community Moderators, and Destiny Player Support may be available to help answer questions
Submit a help request with all required information under the appropriate contact form. If one doesn't exist, please post in our #Help forums.
I believe it can take sometime for the silver to appear in your account because it has to be manually added. It is not an automatic process.