I checked the companion app to look through some of my weapons and got “We were unable to find any Destiny account information on your linked platform accounts. Please tap to retry or revisit the page later.” And when I go to 3rd party apps and look up my account, I get errors. When I try to log into the game on Xbox, I get error code: chicken before making it to the character select screen. I can still see other people’s characters on the companion app and 3rd party apps and there doesn’t seem to be any server maintenance or downtime at the moment. I’m concerned that my characters could be gone. Is there anything I can do or do I just need to wait for it to be fixed on Bungie’s end?
been getting chicken errors for over 12 hours now. my characters show up on DIM and D2 armor picker but the Destiny app says "we were unable to find any Destiny account information on your linked platform accounts" so that's no good.
Same issue. Bungie app says “ We were unable to find any Destiny account information on vour linked platform accounts. Please tap to retry or revisit this page later.” In-game, before character screen it says contacting destiny 2 servers over and over. Then error codes Chicken. After a few seconds battleye error codes Plum.
They're there but for the love of god if it takes you to character creation when you log in Do Not Make one.
Same issue. No characters. Can’t login due to chicken errors.
How come it's only happening to some people ... 6 hours now n I still can't get past chicken .. the app doesn't show my characters please fix this bungie
Same issue. Not able to log in, can’t see characters but can see other’s characters. Get failure to connect to character servers. Was planning on doing more GM runs today.
Sign and and Bnet says I have no characters, though I haven't checked in game yet. Hope they find a way to fix it or I'm done playing.
same here: chicken and no characters on companion app/bungie.net. I hope my characters haven't been deleted.
Im going through the same thing. Was playing a couple hours ago and wanted to get on to do a gm and could not log in. I got on the Bungie app to message my clan to see if anyone was having the same issues and discovered there was no data for my characters. I made a new account to see if it was a problem on my end and started a new account with no problem, logged in and played a little.
I'm dealing with this too, also battleye seem to go crash the game too when I launch I just hope our charecters are not deleted
So is this killing people’s characters? I’ve got this issue now exactly the same thing!
This seems to be happening to a lot of people right now unfortunately, bungie blew up their servers again most likely
Edited by Secré_Swlt: 7/2/2023 2:46:39 PMI have the same problem, I don't have any characters i can see in DIM my item's but they say a message that the last information send is 24 hours ago. I'm really worried and i don't see any solution mor thant wait. Hope bungie do something to solve this
I got the same thing too I hope they fix it 🥲