Hello Bungie!
This is not funny at all..i just login to my account after taking a break like 4hrs ago and now its showing my account was banned?
I am speechless...totally speechless. What have i done wrong?
7 hrs ago i just did Nightfall on my Hunter and then am just fishing on my Titan. Logout 4 hrs ago and just now when i want to hop back on, it says my account got banned? What in the world is happening?
8,389.3 Hours playtime on Steam, bought every DLCs and play the game legit. Complete every triumphs with current score is 23,025 for active triumphs and 145,327 for legacy triumphs.
What is going on? Is this for real or is there some mistakes or bug currently happening?
I know my account got Weasel error code and cant select characters, I can't login and play for 3 weeks due to bug on your side before Lightfall launched but then you fixed it. But now what? My account got banned out of nowhere?
Am totally speechless right now. Cant even think anything else.
Please look into this matter. Something must have gone wrong on your side.
Hi there! The Bungie forums are not able to assist with appeals of restrictions or bans. However, there is a process in place for you to appeal your ban or restriction. Please review the ban or restriction appeal contact form [b][url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049024492-Contact-Form-Appeal-Ban-or-Restriction]found here.[/url][/b] [i]Please note that, as mentioned in the article, there is no guarantee for a response, nor is there a guarantee that your ban or restriction will be overturned.[/i] For more information on Bungie's policy regarding bans and restrictions, please review the policy [b][url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049517431]found here.[/url][/b]
Edited by Swat The Bot: 6/21/2023 11:37:25 PMIf you are seeing a not-so-fast error message then you are indeed banned for 500 years. Bungie will never tell you why they banned you, it's up to you to review the policies you agreed to and figure it out. You can send in an appeal at the below link but you should note that there is no guarantee you will get a response. If you don't get a response within 30 days, your ban was correctly placed and will not be removed. You will have to play another game as your time in Destiny is over. http://bungie.net/ban There is no support for bans through public forums. You must send your one and only above through the above link.
Those trials matches scream of win-trading/networking manipulation. Both of which are clearly a bannable offense.
A correct answer has been provided by a Mentor. If you wish to appeal the restriction check the information provided by them. Only Bungie's game security team can do something about a restriction so discussing it here will get nowhere, locking the topic.
People will come in with excuses or just accept that he did something wrong, but I've played with this guy for more than a year (often daily). He's selfless and has done hundreds of hard carries through raids and other activities. Met him through a sherpa run and have built up to where I can help his sherpa runs. He doesn't cheat, run cheats, or anything...he just plays D2 a ton. He's the best example of what you'd hope to find on LFG. Incredibly patient, supportive, and will make sure you not only get things done but find hidden lore or other things along the way. He sherpas for folks on the disabled destiny discord, for crying out loud. Taking people through raids who need extra help and support. He's the best kind of Guardian, one that Bungie should be highlighting, not banning. I'm truly and incredibly baffled how this could happen. All he does is help other people play...why would he be running any kind of cheat? He's not sweating in Trials...he's doing his 200th RoN run with newbs for fun... If folks like this are just randomly getting banned with ZERO transparency on what he possibly could have done...Bungie is more done than I feared. My other clan mate is getting constant Weasel errors that are 100% Bungie side... This spaghetti code is unraveling fast.
At this point, i still can access DIM, all 3rd party apps still working as usual. But I can't login to game on my PC. Theres a pop out notification says my account was ban.