Staying alive solo during the last boss is hard enough as it is with all the adds and moths. I think having to do 10+ rotations of damage to kill the final boss makes it just a little bit too difficult for the solo player to do a perfect run for that long. I love this game and have just started to try to challenge myself by doing the hardest things. I just tried a run for four hours got to the final boss and my last two hours were just trying to beat the witch. I was using bonk solar titan which has one of the highest survivability with arbalest to destroy her shield in one tap. I was also using a trace rifle for moths she spawns and a linear fusion rifle for damage. It’s a load out I found on YouTube to beat this boss solo. It works well but I found it difficult to keep the rhythm going for at least a 45 minute boss fight after already going through the entire dungeon. I was just fatigued and had to get off the game. This reset my progress on the solo triumph which has the requirement of beating the entire dungeon solo without leaving the activity. It sucks to have wasted so much time but I could just not keep going as I do not have the time. I think a good fix if the boss health isn’t lowered is changing the triumph to where you can leave the activity and come back another time. I don’t think I’m the only one who needs mental breaks from this game because although I love it it’s just frustrating when you mess up one time and die to erase the 30 minutes of progress you just spent on the boss’s health.
got solo flawless nightmare done got the exotic this week collected all armor for transmog and items once I can confidently say that i'm never touching this dungeon ever again.
honestly, arbalest shouldn't be required to break the shield and have a reasonable amount of time for dps, and no dungeon boss needs more than 6-7 million health if they're gonna be "designed to be solo'd" 3-4 phases should be achievable by any above average player, not only the top 1%. I've done a Trio Raid that was easier than this dungeon. If they reduce the boss health, make the shield break within 50k damage, and reduce how many enemies are constantly attacking during dps (like how the minotaurs despawn at Persys when you start dps), it'd be fine. as it stands, arbalest swapping and well are REQUIRED for a consistently okay damage phase, this isn't a reasonable solo and it won't be for 99% of people until this is fixed
Here at Bungie we hear and respect our players, we understand that you are having a hard time with the boss health in the newest dungeon. To alleviate this we are nerfing Arbalest
Welcome to Bungie, Bungie equates difficulty to more ads more damage more health. It has always been like this and wont change as the development team are just to lazy to create content for higher tier end game. New mechanics during master or legendary. Different ad rotation and spawns. Limiting area or adding modifiers that add additional knowledge and timing. No its lets give everything 3 times the health, does 5 times the damage and you will get ads just non stop spawning ever 5 seconds. Just look at champions. They are such a boring inclusion that limits how you can play and often broken. God I lover getting a barrier servitor directly next to a overloard on master. You can pretty much eat a fat juicy sack of man juice. Just imagine if they made the same ads with the same hp but you take a bit more damage however ads are smarter. Will duct to cover more and will use abilities more and have additional abilities. Nah that would require time and effort to make rather than a simple slider
Have you tried the new Advance G Fuel Gojiberry NewGame Chair? Rumor has it if you mix it with your sweat you get more focus!
Not every achievement is for everyone, while this one is on the harder side because of health it doesn't need nerfed at all destiny as a whole is to easy.
Ok to all of the steam/ pc players who say oh it’s easy…. Try doing the same on console. I dare you!
This is one flawless I do not care for lol. I got my solo and I’m good with that.
No, it would diminish the accomplishment for soloing something scaled to 3 people Why do you think no one bragged about solo flawlessing legend witch queen, because Solo was the easiest way to do it , considering add and boss health scaled +25 for each fireteam member, red bar knights become raid bosses
Try a RL instead of LFR, my son said he 3 phased because there were bricks of heavy everywhere.
It's the only thing preventing me from trying to solo at the moment. I can't imagine a build for solo players that makes it even slightly easy. For me at least, and what I have acquired.
I'd prefer more challenging mechanics vs a boss that is a bullet sponge. With how long it takes to get to a DMG phase for the boss and how little time you have on your DMG phase, it's extremely annoying. They need to at least take off 20% of the health when solo. It's just not fun sitting there for 4-6 phases do the some thing over and over.
No. You suffer like the rest of us.
How about no, this isn't Monster Hunter
I did it comfortably in 5 damage phases with arc hunter star eaters and leviathan’s breath 🤷♂️
My solo flawless was consistent with leviathan's breath for damage for the final boss. Acrius and lament are solid for ecthar. I played it safe and didn't rush the 4 phase on the final boss, but if I had pushed it a little more on the previous phases, it would have been nice
I don't want to sound disrespectful, but if you were on course for a 10-phase, then you were executing damage phases very poorly, missing shots, your loadout wasn't appropriate or some combination thereof. It's hard to directly compare experiences between players, but my SF run killed the final boss in 5 phases with just Chaos Reach and Sleeper Simulant (Succession for when I ran out of ammo), no Surge mods or Arbalest-swapping. The first boss also took 5 phases with Chaos Reach and Lament, with the whole run taking just under 2 hours. It's long, but still within the same region as other Dungeons, as are the numbers of damage phases required. If you're just getting into solo/solo flawless Dungeons, then Ghosts of the Deep is just about the worst place to start. They will never adjust the triumphs because that would allow people in definitely-going-to-die situations to simply leave and retry; they lose whatever boss damage they did but it's better than the attempt failing entirely.
Took me 45 mins to get to the boss and almost 2hrs to actually beat the boss.. not every phase was solid and I had to abandon a couple of them in order to stay alive. By the far the most tedious and anxiety inducing dungeon I have ever done.
Edited by Terif, Kell of ERS: 6/18/2023 8:18:29 PMFr. This dungeon is ridiculous. As someone who has solo flawlessed all the dungeons (except this one), I'm not looking forward to it. I'd rather solo flawless all the other dungeons again than go through this new one. Also, hot swapping to arbalest seems to be the play for this dungeon, but good luck keeping all that heavy ammo once you swap.
Last 2 dungeons are just tedious slogs when it comes to the boss fights solo. I guess that bungie forgot all of the fun part of playing a game, challenging because of mechanics is one thing, this is just damn lazy though.
Edited by cycofreak3: 6/19/2023 5:21:19 AMI guarantee they won't cause something something, "people already did it so you can too", blah blah... But I agree. These dungeons are boring solo runs because Bungie are power creeping enemy health.
Edited by Joulevette12: 6/19/2023 12:23:46 AMHoly Sh*t 10 phases nope not going to attempt to solo that last boss then We need enemy scaling do to the amount of members in your fire team 6 to 10 phases on a boss when all they have to do is kill you one time to start all over Scale enemies health or give us revive tokens in boss fights on solo
Fr 10 phasing in the final boss is already too much when theres so much enemies and so much to do by yourself.
Given that you say 10+ damage phases it would seem that you’re not getting optimal damage each phase. Your Taipan has firing line which won’t help you as you have no allys. Also try using surge mods that match your heavy. Yes it did take me over 3 hours to actually finish my solo run (ecthar was my nemesis) & I do agree that the health of both bosses is a little extreme but you should still be able to enough damage to final boss in around 6 phases. If you made it all the way then it’s definitely worth trying again & you’ll probably find it won’t take as long next time.