The #DrownInTheDrip had many guardians across the globe excited the share and show off their super cool, fun, and unique fashion. I personally submitted 6 different designs I spent hours over the course of the season working on.
Awaiting the newly branded “TWID” for the results, come to find out myself and many other amazing fashions were passed over for copy cat, unoriginal and boring designs. Not all but specifically the Patrick Star, The Mask, as well as the Yoda l (2 of which are copies of a previous fashion contest winner).
It’s so disheartening for players that invested so much time, thought and care into these fun, unique designs when people who watch a “Fashion Tutorial” on YouTube get selected for the designs they never even created in the first place. In a state of the game that isn’t really doing any particular thing great, has me having second thoughts about the amount of time I invested into this game I used to love. What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear and hopefully Bungie can explain their selections.
I have had my fair share of ridiculous builds. I have a titan chicken that is fantastic and also the titan optimus prime, but, I would never use those to win a drip contest. Feels like many have had these knockoff builds for years and while fun, they don't represent what I feel is the right way to reward those who have tried to make interesting lines, shaders, textures and really dig deep into the transmog system as opposed to the cookie cutter, meta, everyone wears this stuff kinda outfit. Like having a store bought costume win a halloween costume event, instead of the person who creates, builds, and then wears whatever crazy outfit they put the effort into.
In my opinion I don’t like the fashion that resembles things in the real world. Whether that be something from a movie, comic, or person. Something original with complementary shaders and armor are what stand out most. And there are fewer players who accomplish that versus the former I mentioned.
Yeah pretty much every entry that won is unoriginal trash. The worst one is the pink hunter. There were so many really good entries but Bungie decided to pick the absolute worst ones for some reason.
Edited by Terif, Kell of ERS: 6/17/2023 6:30:40 AMThere were 2 designs that seemed original. The edgy hunter and the moth deserved to win. However, Yoda and Patrick have been done by so many players that they shouldn't have won.
Its honestly extremely disappointing and disheartening to see these contests dropped by bungie only for them to pick people who copy from originals (that already won might I add) or the fact that two winner slots were supposedly taken by the same person, who used the same twitter to post their entries. I enjoy the meme drips. I really do. They make me smile or laugh or have a moment of "hey wait a minute" and then I spend the next few hours binge watching my favorite movies from the mask line, but there is something incredibly wrong about picking these fashions/drips when they have already won in the past, and its obvious its a copy of the original winner. All this says is to go back far enough and copy old iconic fashions and you get a win in these contests. Idk I was raised not to look at my next door neighbors test sheet and cheat off their answers and that is what this mega feels like in a way, just that the person who copied gets recognized for work, creativity, and gets a reward for it on top of that. Or idk like if someone stole the test answer worksheet and reaps the rewards for doing so even though everyone in the classroom knows and points it out. No clue if I am getting what I mean across, just that this time, this particular fashion contest, I feel wronged and for many, not just myself. There were so many fashions posted that looked amazing but were looked over for literal copies. That and the literal double winner who posted twice and both entries won.
If you want to let Yoda or Patrick Star win a fashion contest set during a Halloween even, fine, more power to you, but there's an entire side to fashion that isn't making meme costumes and I feel like that wasn't fully represented.
Basically why even bother anymore, this game and company have been a real let down lately. Atleast people tried with there own fashion just to get screwed by people googling a style to copy
Yeah, the D2 ‘fashion show’ was about as relevant and interesting as the ones in the real world.