I've been thinking a lot about the state of Destiny's future lately, and given the constant bugs and server issues, Marathon likely taking a chunk out of Destiny's PvP, Starfield (if it lives up to it's expectations) possibly taking a chunk out of Destiny's PvE, and Final Shape being the "end" of Destiny's current story, I'm curious to know how others feel about it. Part of me is genuinely worried that Destiny will see a drop off similar to how the MCU dropped off after Endgame.
If you do plan on leaving, I'd be curious to know the main factors driving you away and what it would take on Bungie's end, if anything, to persuade your otherwise.
If you plan on staying, I would also be curious to know what you're reasonings are behind that.
As for myself, I'm at least staying until Final Shape. After that ... we'll see. I've already been playing less since Jedi: Survivor, and I have other games I'd like to get back into and finish up.
Edited by Sunburn Seastar: 6/16/2023 11:37:49 AMI can’t say yes or no yet because I’m on the fence, I still largely enjoy this game but if it becomes apparent that Bungie plans to siphon the vast majority of destiny’s resources and give it to marathon, and if Bungie cannot properly allocate resources to 2 games (especially one that has background support from Sony, marathon) and continues to leave descent portions of destiny 2 in disrepair then I’m done.