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Edited by Avid_Coffee_Drinker: 5/15/2023 8:10:25 PM

Get this in the pipeline NOW Bungo…

[b]All of your non-stacking exotic nerfs will need to be changed. [/b] To be clear, I main Titan and the only exotic I use that will be affected by the changes is Burning Steps. With this in mind, I predict with confidence that [u]the nerf will kill the exotic.[/u] I love using this exotic now, but it isn’t easy to keep the buff up in most scenarios, especially at x4, and it’s alternate functionality is pretty much useless. On the other hand, Surges are far easier to activate and cost much less. They are more convenient and they aren’t tied to an exotic armor piece, meaning you can run any other exotic build in the game and get a near identical damage increase with only a few mods and less effort. It takes either a full solar build or total commitment to a solar weapon to maximize PoBS, whereas all surges need are an orb and a few mods to be effective. Honestly the nerf would be fine if the exotic were to still stack with Surges, but hey, what do I know. Finally, I speak only as a Titan, but I’m sure that the other exotics will experience a similar fate, including the Eternal Warrior. [b]Bungie, don’t take a whole year to revisit this out-of-touch change. [/b]

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  • While I can see where Bungie is going with this change to exotic armor damage buffs and surge damage buffs; It does suck that these boots will be hit kinda hard. Like you said the buff is hard to keep up as it is not a guaranteed stack of damage buff on kill. They really do need to look back at some of these exotics that will no longer stack with surge mods as without the damage buff from the mods, this exotic and I'm sure others too will be back collecting dust in the vault or dismantled altogether. It's like when these boots first came out, they were good, but once paired with Warmind Cells it became a whole new beast. We lost those with LF, gained a new way to get [i]more[/i] damage out of our weapons with the new mods and the damage buff from the exotic, only to have Bungie say, "Nah, too stronk, nerf bat inc." and did nothing to rework it's functionality for better upkeep on the buff at all. This was one of my first thoughts as well when I read the exotic tuning update. Sucks.

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