My wife and I have officially made six different attempts at the final boss in this mission and have failed every time, usually due to being blasted off an edge or tethered during a jump. In a single point I got him down to 10%-ish health before wizards spawned in, took me out, and then my wife died trying to avoid them.
This boss can teleport every .5 seconds, can tether, can summon adds, at one point summons an army of barrier goblins, summons two wizards at once, deals massive damage, and his shield can very easily launch you off the edge.
We are both close to maximum light level but we can't get past this. Also it's extra annoying because not only is this just a standard mission not a strike. But additionally this isn't even the first time we have had this difficulty spike issue.
Please, nerf some of these bosses and hire some play testers that are not discord mod level sweaty, or hand in your development license and go work elsewhere. I hear the US government could use more people making things more difficult than they need to be.
Even now 2 years later it is still way to hard I feel like I do no damage at all and the sencond I get him anywhere near dead the witches spawn and I just get -blam!- on it still sucks even when ur close to the highest power level with the best lodout for the mission this is one of the reason I quite destiny 2 a couple years back simple missions for a simple exotice stuck behind a stupid boss and all beacause im a solo i cant even get it im ristricted so many wepons and armour peices beacease of this they need to add something for solo players so its not so hard on them when they actauly want to do a grand master
Edited by Dignan: 7/12/2023 10:54:11 PMI’ll just say, I agree this “Mission” is really hard. Too hard to only list as “Recommended 1600 Light Level” without any other indication that you should be doing this with a fire team. I’m sure people have done this solo, and I actually have confidence I could eventually, but my biggest issue with this mission is just that it’s not super clear what you’re getting yourself into when compared to most of the other “Mission” content in the game.
I haven't played that mission in years but I upvoted for that last sentence 😄
This has to be bait.
No its not
Skill issue. Get good.
There is a cheese spot for the boss.
You could LFG for a third.
I actually just helped a clan mate do that mission earlier in the week. Add me, send a message. I have no problem helping you guys out with whatever.
If you can't beat that mission I don't think this game is for you or your wife.
OK, that last line was funny....
If this is the mission from the Foresaken campaign do this. Have your teammate hide in the safe spot while you slowly whittle the boss health down. You will die but you will not wipe and eventually you will works!
It's hard because enemies scale to your power level in this , I gave up solo
Edited by The Bepsi Boy: 3/27/2023 3:36:02 AMThe strike? It’s a base level entry strike. The only think is when I tried it on GM and was not fun at all lol.
I ran that mission a few times, if you need help, I'm up for it.
If you need help just hit me up, I can carry you guys through it
Yeah, this one. If i remember rightly, this came with Forsaken? I think the well / raid armour has mods that block damage from taken, and the weapons had perks that did more damage to taken. There are mostly void shields, so should be easier this season to get the wizards down. I think I got through this one with wish ender (tiger spite ar was my jam), full auto shotty (maybe wave splitter?) and rockets, switching out to sleeper for the boss. hunter tether and warlock well( or ,maybe it was nova?), with as much suppression as you can. this one was hard at the time, but do-able if your carful and hide, shoot tethers and move often. I 2 manned it as well, but may have been easier with more dps. I hope this helps, and you can get the gun
It's a terrible mission. I've attempted it one time. The exotic (like most) at the end is not worth the frustration.
If you're titan that's currently visible is the one you're running the mission on i can recommend some changes. Firstly being that solar bonk titan with synthos, arguably the strongest build for end game content on titan. Huge damge output with the hammer with syntho buff and roaring flames x3. Will usually 2 tap stunned champions. Sometimes 3 taps. If you're dedicated to sentinal. I'd recommend switching to bubble. Helps with boss damage phases and also allows for safe rezes under fire. Aspects: lose offensive bullwork and use controlled demolition. Bulworks energy regen was nuked. And the extra melee damge isn't worth it in hard content. Demolition gives you constant healing with volatile explosions. Which is super easy to keep up from the artifact this season with volatile flow. Fragments: you only get three so i usually run devour, void ability kills cause explosions, and the 3rd one is up to you. I recommend grenades give void weapons volatile rounds. Exotic: heart of inmost light. Even after the nerf. Still top pick for void titan. Loadout. Void smg in energy. Non negotiable. Strongest weapons in the game for pve. If you don't like to be that close run a void scout. Frenzy is a great damage perk for endgame. Kinetic. Grenade launcher or chill klip fusion rifle. For grenade launcher run blinding grenades. Blinded enemies can't shoot. Withorhaord is also good for flat damage increases. Chill clip fusions. Have high cc and damage. But only a few in the game. Heavy any void heavy is suitable. Rockets are strong right now. So are machine guns. Two tailed fox is excellent with ita catalyst. Heavy is usually paired on weather you use an exotic for the other 2 slots. Mods. Helm-Void siphon and ammo finder Arms-either melee or Grenade orb maker or both. And a Kickstart Chest- resist mods Legs- void surges Class. Time dilation and perpetuation This build has high ability regen along with full health on kill through devour and team healing from controlled demo. And very strong damage through volatile explosions. Can literally wipe rooms on legend content while healing you and allies. Combat loop. Though down barricade. Chuck shield then Grenade. Pick up orbs to start devour and void surge. Start shooting stuff from cover. And use abilities on cool down. Preferably in the orginal order. Also get your resilience as high as possible. Atleast 8. Tons of damage resist. Good luck
Edited by Axolotl_Roadkill: 3/26/2023 2:55:07 PMAdvice number 1. Go in as a three-stack. Advice number 2. Control the pace of the encounter. If you know enemies will spawn get to a safer spot. It's not a walk in the park but far from being difficult if you adjust your strat and loadouts. If you used what you currently have equipped no wonder you are failing. Double primary, a sword as a heavy (the 2nd player didn't even have one equipped), resilience probably around the mark of 30.... no mods for bonus damage. You are literally shooting yourself in the foot and blame the game.
Is this the 4 year old mission that hasn’t been updated to account for power creep? Because if so you are clearly doing something wrong
Bubble and/or well, swords, melt him. Helps if you get a 3rd
Me and 2 friends did it yesterday. Boss was melted by 1 silkstrike super.
Hey, I am happy to sort out a time to help you with it. Have helped a lot of people with it - there is a safe spot and equally it can be done with coordination and movement. Feel free to DM me and we can sort out a time to run it.
I did that mission in a 6 stack. Good times.
It's been a good while since I did this, but I'm happy to lend a hand if you need a 3rd.