This was the dumbest decision you guys have ever made (not really I'm just pissed). I finally get my gear score up to were I can complete the solo lost sector and now I have to jump through even more hoops to get my extra loadouts. Not to mention that I have to wait for other people to give me accommodations to progress so I can't even grind it out. This was such a terrible and uncalled for change. Please either revert the change or change the requirement to get the loadout slots this is ridiculous.
Just done a legend lost sector at 1770, then afterwards found out they moved it to rank 8. They should have just moved the loadout unlock to a regular Triumph. Feels like a way to sell more Lightfall expansions. If they wanted to put a paywall in front of the extra slots thats up to them, but having them available for all players for so many weeks then moving it is not a nice move.
Yeah this is pretty much an unfortunate side effect of "pls nerf challenges, too hard."
Better question is, why was this a reward in the first place?
The entire Loadout tab seems like a mess. I want to create my loadouts in a separate menu that has no bearing or impact on my current layout. Also, I would like to be able to name loadouts. Until they put some real effort into this feature, I'll just keep ignoring it.
Worst part about this is the commendation score rank requirement to get put of 7. I have everything else done and still sick at around 300. Gonna be a bad grind
A better question why deny anyone access to load outs? No matter your stupid guardian rank? Elitist MUCH BUNGIE?
Am I the only one that doesn't use loadouts? I just switch around gear when I need to manually.
Who needs that many load outs , also DiM >
I need to check that. I had them unlocked before the change. Now I am curious if they took those from me. I guess I will see when I am able to get on the game later. I feel like it is wrong of them to take it if we had already unlocked it. I was not using them yet but I was working on builds as I could.
I was able to get through a flawless run on Cystern a few days ago. So glad I did now. This commendation score holding me down is the only reason I'm still rank 6. I had one more legendary lost sector to finish. Since I play most things solo my score is still 217 points down from 460. It's irritating to say the least.
Tier 8 is cake, get on our level
They should move it to rank 10
It should be moved to rank 11
Good lord people whined about it being a barrier to get to level 8 and now that it’s been moved they want it back? I think it should have been the reward for moving up to rank 7, not tied to anything specific.
Yeah o really hate this change. Had been grinding out levels to get the solo flawless legend lost sector done, then they pull this BS. I don't care about guardian ranks. They reset every season which makes them pointless in my eyes. Commendation scores feel equally pointless to grind. I just want the damn loadout slots, but now will have to grind out a bunch of ommendadtion score first which really sucks. I know this wont change, but i still effing hate it. At this point I just hope we don't lose the slots and have to re-earn them each season, like the guardian ranks they are tied to.
Just use DIM if you want infinite loadouts for free lol
They gotta get you to play the game somehow, man.
Many of us said Bungie couldnt possibly make any more stupid decisions....... guess they proved us wrong 🤣
I soloed flawless at 21 light under
No who's idea was it to make it FLAWLESS LEGENDARY SOLO .
I refuse to leave rank 6 so rip
all i wanted from guardian ranks was for the other person to know that I raid frequently and have done the raid before so I dont need to constantly have the raid emblem equipped(dont have mic) not this shitshow,
Eyes Up Guardian - old
I use DIM to manage my loadouts -
Edited by Zuni: 3/24/2023 9:51:48 PMWait, what extra loadouts do you get at 8?
They should have told people so that we could get it done. The rank 7 grand is tedious and nothing except the loadaout slots are worth it.