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Edited by LoneAssassin54: 3/14/2023 8:25:51 PM

Reduce the hell out of Grapple Cooldown

Seriously like 75%. In the trailers it’s advertised like we can swing around Neptune but it takes like a minute to recharge without mods and/or outside of combat. Edit: IM TALKING ABOUT FOR EXPLORATION stop telling me to learn how to craft a build

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  • For me the issue is less about the base cooldown itself and more the massive disparity between the experience Hunters get to have vs Warlocks and Titans Why should Hunters be the only ones that get both a second grenade/grapple charge AND the ability to leave behind a persistent grapple point that refunds grapple energy when subsequently grappled to?? Especially when with the right build they can literally just infinitely reset the cooldown and stay in the air indefinitely (I saw a vid the other day of someone traversing the entirety of Garden of Salvation from the start to the boss area while only touching the ground a couple of times) IMO they should just make the current Widow’s Silk Aspect part of the default behaviour for the Grapple ability on all classes, and then come up with something new for the Widow's Silk aspect, like for example maybe make it so that when a Hunter throws a tangle and it hits an enemy it resets the tangle cooldown and causes that enemy to spawn a new tangle when killed. Hell, even if the ability to leave behind a persistent grapple point remains Hunter only, at the very least every class should have the second grapple charge so if you screw up the first grapple and send yourself over the edge you can use the second charge to save yourself.

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