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Edited by Jacksunt: 3/12/2023 3:31:25 AM


Admins, please help, I was AFK from destiny 2 eating dinner with my gf, and when I returned, my Hunter was missing from my character roster overall. I did not delete this character, I was not even logged into the game when I returned to my PC. Somehow my character has disappeared and all of my progress is just missing, This is not a cross-save issue as my other cross-save characters are still present. My hunter is just missing. There is no way to check what has happened on my end but this is extremely upsetting as I have grinded on that hunter for years and losing her really has tainted the experience for me now, I have spent countless hours and dollars on Destiny since the first beta, and I don't want to quit now but losing all of my earned progress and the money spent along with that has ruined my experience. This is a very hard time for me to lose something that brought me genuine joy and escape, I would very much appreciate some assistance but I know there's likely nothing that can be done. I believe my time with his franchise is over unless my character is brought back though I know that makes little difference, If anyone can do anything please let me know, Im really hoping Bungie can save me here because I do not deserve whatever struck my hunter out of existence. I have been nothing but a casual player with little time outside of my clan.

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  • You want hard evidence ok. According to time wasted on destiny you have hunter that was Manually deleted. Unfortunately man that's on your end.

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  • Edited by Swat The Bot: 3/12/2023 3:33:13 AM
    [quote]Admins, please help, I was AFK from destiny 2 eating dinner with my gf, and when I returned, my Hunter was missing from my character roster overall.[/quote] Sounds like someone in the house deleted the character. I suggest you have a word with them. In the future, never leave your PC unlocked. That is rule number 1 of basic security. [quote]I did not delete this character, I was not even logged into the game when I returned to my PC[/quote] In this case, you may have malicious software on your PC. I would scan your device and change all your security settings including passwords. [quote][/quote] Lost or deleted characters cannot be recovered. Your character is gone forever. See the policy below. [quote]Deleted Item and Character Policy Whether due to accidental deletion or unauthorized account access, Bungie does not recover manually deleted characters or items, and does not replace in-game items that are lost or dismantled. Bungie does not provide the following services: Restoration of deleted characters[/quote]

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    13 Replies
    • Characters can only be MANUALLY deleted. If you did not do it then CHANGE ALL YOUR SECURITY SETTINGS NOW. Bungie has a strict policy of not restoring lost or deleted items or characters for any reason.

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      • Hello there[url=],[/url] Unfortunately, Bungie does not restore lost or deleted items or characters. [quote][url=]Whether due to accidental deletion or unauthorized account access, Bungie does not recover manually deleted characters or items, and does not replace in-game items that are lost or dismantled.[/url][/quote] If you, personally, did not delete anything then it is recommended that you change your passwords, enable 2FA for all linked accounts, and review the [url=]Bungie Account Security Guide [/url]for more tips.

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        • Edited by iCoNiC FeArZ: 3/12/2023 10:09:57 PM
          Someone deletes account, writes a book expecting sympathy and after writing book he expects bungie to drop everything and restore your deleted character. You're a silly goose

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          • Edited by Jacksunt: 3/12/2023 5:51:09 PM
            I would very much appreciate the support of a ninja or someone who can tell me real information about what happened to my account. This is just too serious to just leave me in the dark like? Is my experience in this game to really be told to get over something I seemingly didn't do? I know bungie has reinstated at least one other player because of a bug. If my character was deleted and I can be proven of that then I will accept and do what I will with that. If someone can actually take a look at my account and see the details and tell me at least I can move on from this. Now this game just feels like a waste of energy and time. Like I just want my armor and weapons back that were in her inventory because she was maxed but they simply have been stolen from by some technical fault or a undetected 3rd party login into my account to simply delete my hunter and laugh in my face. I'm not quite sure what would be happening but I simply want my problems looked at more with concern and respect and not being pointed and being told too bad. If my character is lost legitimately then I will accept that. But like. I see no true possibility in how anyone could have accessed my account in the 45 minute period I was gone without any sort of login notification to my steam or Microsoft account telling me some dude from another country is trying to login. There is no malicious software on my PC I have checked. I am someone who is well versed in computers and understand things to a decent degree here. I would just like real answers on what happened by someone who can just say Yes or no to the question of. Was my hunter manually deleted and if so by who? And if not manually. What happened to her then? I tried to get real answers but I feel disrespected and disregarded but blunt usage of policy that I'm aware. I'm asking for this help because I GENUINELY believe 200% on my dog that this is some technical issue or hack as I just cannot see how it can be an issue where an adult tapered with my video games. It is a few step process before a character is deleted, there is no way my girlfriend would delete my stuff purposely and lie. I am upset that was even suggested. I need real help here please. I just want to have fun with my stuff I've been doing for years and it's been stolen from me somehow.

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          • Well, I am extremely glad this seriously cleared up absolutely nothing.

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