I was playing solo as usual when I got disconnected due to a network error. When I sign back in my account was banned. The last things I did was completed the Vexcalibur mission with a fireteam from Destiny 2 app and then one matchmade Nightfall then I went to Neptune to do Unfinished Business. I never cheated. my K/D is like 1 or less.and only play pvp for weeklies and Iron Banner. I mostly play solo and PVE. I was playing since the launced of Destiny 1 in 2014.
See the below Tweet from Bungie. If you were recently banned, this is likely why. [quote] Our security team is issuing a wave of bans targeting players who have participated in account recovery and boosting activities. https://twitter.com/Destiny2Team/status/1634002217580781569?t=YXu3dJxYUU6nqFIVwa-_og&s=19 [/quote]