Hi Guys,
[u]WE WANT YOU[/u]
Will try not give a massive list of requirements. Pros cons etc... after building 3 Clans and creating an awesome group of people we are hungry for more Guardians.
Yes of course alot aren't fans of big clans thinking they will be forgotten, NOT THE CASE here. Of course numbers are good for fireteams but you'll be surprised some players expects hundreds of people to be playing at once. Its a videogame not a career. I can say everyone online will help if they can, thats the kind of people we rate.There are all kinds of interesting and dedicated guardians from all parts of the world, LGBTQ+, Mature, Newplayers, Veteran's PVP and PVE orientated. So proud to say most fit in. Chilled people only please, anyone easily offended or Toxic and Salty people filter out quickly, not to say its Iron Rule either. My Clan leaders are a fair bunch of Cats.
I'm from UK but members in US, CANADA, EUROPE, AUS also so time zone friendly. We are not incredibly fussed about monitoring activity, solo players etc.. all contributions are welcome but if not online for a few months then we will welcome you back with open arms, no need to sell your soul to be a member (we appreciate real lives are kinda important) We do prefer people to be somewhat social and get involved. That's the whole point of a clan right?
However if you just want to pick and mingle with an elite group of hilarious misfits here's our discord ;) :
So if this sounds like your sort of vibe come get inolved in the Coolest Cult on the planet and meet some awesome gamers😎:
Chaos: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4877452 [b]NOW FULL[/b]
Corrupted: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4988906 [b]SPACES AVAILABLE[/b]
Carnage: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2973019 [b]NOW FULL[/b]
OK we gunna need to open another clan bear with us people 🤣✌️👍❤️
Idk everyone in here is a bunch of weenies from what I hear... jk everyone in here is awesome, always people available to help with anything, or to just chat!
I have enjoyed my time with clan. So far everyone that I have met in the clan has shown me respect, kindness and willingness to teach on things I don't know in the game. I appreciate the opportunity given and won't waste it. I recommend highly for those looking to enjoy the time they spend playing Destiny to join.