They did Warlocks dirty with light 3.0 in general.
They are nerfing the hell out of Titan with T-crash, Bubble and Barricade changes. (On top of all the other nerfs this year, Lorelys etc)
They give hunters one of the most OP builds in the history of PVE allowing constant volatile rounds and constant invis with very little effort ……. Oh and the nerf you got to dodge yeah we’ll reverse that….. sorry boo!
Warlocks were and still are the PvE benchmark the other 2 classes aspire to. 🫠
Judging from your comments, I can’t tell if you’re miffed because a Hunter(probably not even a main) told you off with a “Your mom.” during a Trials match or during a Nightfall.
You sound jaded, mate. Perhaps you should try a new class? [spoiler]I hear Hunter is good[/spoiler]
But when a hunter exotic is broken it gets put off limits for a season or two.
Edited by Vyper: 2/13/2023 9:50:20 PMI don't remember when they gave hunters double stasis turrets and infinite grenades, you also seem to be getting PvP and PvE changes mixed up, bubble is going to be nerfed in PvP only now let me ask you a question, Would you prefer old PvP Gfalcon's with free damage bonus or new Gfalcon's? lorely's restoration x2 should've been kept in PvE but not PvP because of how ridiculous the healing was, so you're right there but I don't see anything else ._. We also have to worry about our mobility stat, whereas you only have to -blam!- with 5 stats instead of 6 0_0
[quote]They did Warlocks dirty with light 3.0 in general. They are nerfing the hell out of Titan with T-crash, Bubble and Barricade changes. (On top of all the other nerfs this year, Lorelys etc) They give hunters one of the most OP builds in the history of PVE allowing constant volatile rounds and constant invis with very little effort ……. Oh and the nerf you got to dodge yeah we’ll reverse that….. sorry boo![/quote] Gfalcon is good, but it’s not OP and doesn’t hold up in any difficult content. Dodge nerf isn’t reversed, they’re just not double nerfing it when they nerf tier 10 stats.
Dodge nerf will be reversed, rumor has it that Stomp-EE5's nerf to AE will also be reversed and it will be useable again. Seen a guy early this season, used Golden gun in 6v6, wiped the enemy team, twice in one super. Nothing broken about a super that extends itself on kills. Nerf this buff that, does it really [i]Matter?[/i] We all know how Lightfall will go, Hunters get to dominate pvp for a year, Warlocks get immediately nerfed simply for existing, Titans get nerfed in the first week.
It's funny what makes striker Titan a problem is melees. Bungie refuses to nerf melees in game because trash players need easy kills.
Typical crying warlock titan response to unreleased content
I don't play a titan but didn't they spend most of last year being able to be invincible in pve and had arc Titan with two dodges and various other things in PvP. How did that happen is the game is biased towards hunters.
Titans have had it the best this year. Lorely for 2 seasons. Overpowered solar and void subclasses. The single best subclass for endgame with storm nade spam. Warlocks were already the most powerfull before 3.0 so they didnt need much change yet they got very good buffs. And hunter dodge nerf got reverted because abilities are getting an overall nerf next season already. Now it gets 1 instead of 2 nerfs.
[quote] They give hunters one of the most OP builds in the history of PVE allowing constant volatile rounds and constant invis with very little effort ……. Oh and the nerf you got to dodge yeah we’ll reverse that….. sorry boo![/quote] Someone hasn’t played Arc Hunter with Assassins Cowl
Edited by The Hermit IX: 2/11/2023 7:07:10 PMTitans just ruled an entire season. I don’t agree with the bubble or thunder crash nerfs. Bubble made things fun in IB. Either play bubble or play breaking bubble. Honestly it was cool to see supers on supers that way. Arc storm needed a nerf and I hate nerfs. It was obnoxious as reading the posts about Titans being more than just punching machines. No they punch, smash and break things so get over it. Hunters are played the most, have the most broken builds and exotics and that’s ok. It’s the easiest class to play for newbs and can be taken to high level play. Invisible and wall hacks and it’s ok lol. It’s absurd but whatever. The spoiled for sure but they’ll list nerfs and still have the most broken builds in the entire game while reasoning why exotics like Ophidians or Peacekeepers do too many things. Warlocks… if I read another nerf Ophidians post I’m going to scream. Yeah warlocks can reload quickly and if they aren’t already dead in an engagement they might melee you from the same range as another class exotic. No body wants to play Warlocks anymore… not even most Warlocks. The changes and buffs were needed and I hope Strand is broken on Warlocks to see months of posts crying for nerfs because they might become viable again. Well, Bubble and Tether benefit all mains in fireteams. Let’s stop asking for support supers to be nerfed please. Did I say I really didn’t like the Bubble nerf?
My solar Titan is so much fun to play even after the Loreley nerf. Sunspots and Sol Invictus are crazy good. It's an XP making factory.
Maybe Bungie could work in a plotline where all Hunters lose all connection to the light, turning them into normal humans? No resurrections, no supers, not even a triple jump. Would that be a satisfactory solution?