So you added cross play, cross save, cross progress. ok.
WHERE is cross purchase?
If I purchase a pack on PlayStation I cant play that on Xbox. WHY?
I'm NOT going to pay multiple times for the same extras. So that cross play/progress/save is kinda useless if we cant play what we paid for.
I can buy a weapon skin and use that skin but I cant buy a seasonal pack and use that. WHY?
I know $ony brought you and thats something $ony would do as they are NOT "for the players" they are "for the money" so they would want to keep the cross purchases but you've always had this which is wrong and against the players.
For the stupid, IF I buy Witch Queen on PS4/PS5 I cant play it on XboxOne/Series or PC.
I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old
No. Just no. The reason it doesn’t work is simple. You aren’t buying it from bungie. You are buying it from Microsoft/Sony etc