Seems we [i]still[/i] are ignoring any and all topics on Lost Sectors, despite any and all new exotics being locked behind them and their arcane, impossible to meet, outright RIDICULOUS conditions for dropping them.
Gonna post anyway. I refuse to be forgotten, and the player base WILL turn on you one day.
You complain about threats and hostile behavior in the forums and elsewhere, it's because YOU REFUSE TO LISTEN.
I would do then more often if the rewards were better (at least 2 enchancement cores for legend and 3 for master) and the newer exotics weren't tied to lost sectors let alone a specific lost sector. If new exotics could at least drop from pinnacle/endgame activities as well as lost sectors I really wouldn't mind. That's just me though
I just made a post about this. Conditions for getting exotics to drop? Is that for real? Are there unsaid conditions you need to fulfill before completion to get an exotic to drop? That would certainly explain why I went 0/12+ on any exotic drops today before the reset solo on Master difficulty.
Chill out dude. It's a game. The drop rates are where they want them to be unfortunately. It's gonna take 5ish runs to get your exotic to drop. Hitting platinum, even flawless with good speed doesn't guarantee anything.
[quote]it's because YOU REFUSE TO LISTEN.[/quote] It’s a video game. No, not even if they don’t listen to specific requests is that behavior acceptable. I feel like I’m one of the only people that has always had a positive interaction with Lost Sectors. I only run legend, and I run 5-6 per session and typically get one or two exotics. They’re fun and quick too, I enjoy doing it. If you don’t enjoy it: Do. Not. Do. It. If you truly don’t enjoy it, no exotic from them is worth your time. End of. Same goes for any activity & reward in the game. If it isn’t fun, move on.
Would be a wonderful addition if Bungie allowed for guaranteed exotic drops on platinum runs. And introduce glass needles back into the game that can be farmed from master versions of the lost sectors. With double loot on platinum master runs.
Exotic armour farming needs to change, especially as regular armour farming is now dead outside of the cosmetic side.
Ah yes, the best way to get what you want. Making empty threats on a video game forum.
Its for now the best way to farm exotics you dont have, takes 3 to 5 runs average to get one on legend. I farmed all Exotic armour peaces for all 3 characters this way in a short time span.
Hostile behavior and death threats are from players that are $hitty human beings that have tied their identity to being good at a video game.Putting it on Bungie is ridiculous.
Eyes Up Guardian - old
I quit wasting my time doing them just because the lack of rewards. Drop rates need to be better than they are for me to jump back in.