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1/17/2023 12:45:22 PM

Character appearance change

Irregular regular reminder that we still do not have the promised ability to change our characters appearance. This needs to be a feature. I understand there's a lot being worked on constantly, but this is a necessary quality of life feature that most other games like Destiny have long had.

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  • Person #1: I would like a thing. Person #2: Why do you even want that? I don't want that. Since I don't want that you shouldn't want that. Person #2 sucks. Don't be Person #2.

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  • This is one of things people obsess over just for the simple fact that they can’t do it.

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    2 Replies
    • I mean I understand people want it but it’s far from a necessity. There are so many more things more important things than how a guardian looks under a helmet.

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    • I agree Bungie really needs to allow people to change/alter their characters appearance and/or gender. I'd also, VERY MUCH, like to have my old face back. Not the face Bungie gave me when Beyond Light dropped. This picture is of the EXACT SAME CHARACTER before Beyond Light and then after. I hate it so much. I miss the warmth and character my Titan had. [url][/url]

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      2 Replies
      • They never promised that. In fact, they've consistently said the opposite.

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        • You must be new to Destiny. Ok, here’s how it works, if you want to change the look of your guardian, you change the armour and put shaders on them. By acquiring new armour you have the chance to make an ornament of all your favourite armour pieces by doing bounties from Ada 1. Wait, duh, you mean you actually want to change the gender or race of your guardian? Why? That’s completely beside the point and useless, and won’t make you better in any way. But yes, seems they should allow you to change anything on your Guardian if you feel like it.

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          7 Replies
          • It'd be nice to have, but its not a necessity. Game has more important issues that need attention.

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            • Edited by Say Whatt: 1/17/2023 9:15:10 PM
              You literally are almost always wearing armor. Other than changing from male to female or vice versa, which I can understand, what is the need to want to edit anything else?

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              8 Replies
              • I don’t get why there are male and female exo. Female features are related to having children. Are they really f-bots? The faces on a lot of characters seemed to change over the years. Ours and Petra and Mara look different than I remember. Why not? Unlimited character changes as well as names. The hack so and so’s *insert body part* is embarrassing to see

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                3 Replies
                • This game has more pressing issues that take priority over appearance changes. Delete and restart your character if you want to change your look simple as that.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Definitely a needed function especially for those who created their back in early D1 days and carried their characters over. Using the same hunter I made back in the first month D1 came out while I'm not exactly embarrassed by his appearance I do feal after all these years he's abit bland looking. Probably other players who made their years ago and feel the same way or are on the opposite end of the scale and made their character look a little over the top and either regret it or are embarrassed by it.

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                  • Edited by THEREALLONEWOLFx: 1/17/2023 1:20:47 PM
                    Itll be implemented someday.... 8 years later......

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                  • I hate how my hunter looks but I’m not getting a new one because I have so much progress on it. Maybe it could cost legendary shards to keep people from constantly changing it, but at least let us keep the progress of our characters when we make a new one so we don’t have to grind campaigns again.

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                    • They are behind the times, most games besides story ones with set characters like GOW,Uncharted or Horizon , have a character creator that you can edit any time, I don't know why Bungie has had the same character creator for 8 years, with literally the same faces and hairstyles between D1 and D2, is there something about the engine that limits a character to be changed I want to give my Titan a Mohawk and Warpaint,now he is just a normal skinned Zevala, really plain and bald , I know I could put all my gear in the vault and make a new one, but NPCs would treat him like a new light, and I would have to do all those Stasis quests again, it's dumb not to be able to edit an existing character in 2023

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                      2 Replies
                      • And then can you imagine all the options for silver… $$$ missed opportunity from bungie there, which would make those who want it happy and bungie’s pockets.

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                        11 Replies
                        • in options for free also the ability to show are faces off in combat would be great with hunters having their hood up at the same time 🤌 just like caybe

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                        • Dude you got a couple of really ugly trolls replying here but I know you’ll ignore them. The system is in place so why won’t they let us use it??

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                        • Who gives a Fuq

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                          5 Replies
                          • Edited by STJebus: 1/17/2023 9:57:50 PM
                            If you want this to become top priority for Bungie you should probably talk about the fact that many Guardians are Trans and have transitioned since they began playing destiny. Seeing as they can't change their guardians gender it can be harmful and cause PTSD for those guardians, much like dead-naming. So really it's an accessibility change and if Bungie wants to keep being Trans Allies this needs to be implemented ASAP.

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                            10 Replies
                            • [quote]Irregular regular reminder that we still do not have the promised ability to change our characters appearance. This needs to be a feature. I understand there's a lot being worked on constantly, but this is a necessary quality of life feature that most other games like Destiny have long had.[/quote] Just leave your helmet on like the rest of us... So many things are flat out broken in the game. This aspect seems like a pretty low priority. [i]Not that this feature should actually require that much effort to implement...[/i]

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                              • I'd rather they use the time and energy into the story and gameplay, than wasting time making a fashion / salon/ simulator. Go back to playing with dolls and stop wasting forum space with this bullshit.

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                                3 Replies
                                • When was this promised?

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                                • Necessary? Hardly. My character could look like a Mr. Potato head rip off under the helmet and I'd be fine with that. The helmet would stay on however...

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                                • Bungie is trash

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                                • [quote]promised ability[/quote]genuine question, when was this feature ever promised?

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                                  • 1
                                    A Patrolling Guardian
                                    A Patrolling Guardian

                                    See you, Space Cowboy. - old

                                    [b][i]I would very much like facial hair, piercings, battle damage/scarring, and even eyepatches.[/i][/b]

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