It's been such a shitshow rollercoaster ride this Season. Since the Season started I really can only play in short bursts due to being kicked out so frequently.
All anybody has to say is that it's my internet, but that's far from the case. I'm following [b]everything[/b] that the help guides say to do and [b]nothing works[/b].
• [url=]My NAT Type is [b]Open[/b][/url]
• I'm using a Wired connection
• I've tried using BOTH UPnP and Port Forwarding individually for days at a time
• I've power cycled my router / modem
• I've used all of the Ethernet ports on my router - as well as on my PC - hoping a different port would work better
• I've renamed my internet and changed the PW hoping it would work better
At this point I'm actually at rock bottom. If I can't resolve this, then I just can't play. I guess luckily I haven't pre-ordered Lightfall yet. [url=]But I can play other games just fine, btw[/url]
Hi, There are no reported issues with Destiny 2 at the current time. If you're constantly experiencing disconnections and error messages, then there is an issue on your end. I recommend checking out Bungie's network troubleshooting guide for support. [quote] launching Halo MCC and playing just fine with no connection issues whatsoever[/quote] That is totally irrelevant. Every game uses different network setups.