Latest story quest put me in a damper after hearing the conversation between Elsie and Mara. Considering what she went though and experiencing the loss of Anna. She doesn't want to let that happen again...
What Mara says is true though, Anna isn't the sister Elsie remembers her since her memories are wiped, so. It's best to let them carve their own path and make their own mistakes, etc. All Elsie could do, as an older sister, is to just help her back up if she does fall from her mistakes. Watch her six.
And well, she won't be alone watching Anna's back when she carves her own path.
She'll always have us (Guardians) helping her out and, bailing her out of trouble.
And of the worst were to come, well. The sorry SOBs will have to answer to my flaming hammer.
Hopefully, we help Elsie down the road.....
She's been through alot and I want to give her a hug damn it....
Meanwhile, Mara is still trying to manipulate her guardian brother has a tool for her own machinations Not the best when it comes to sibling advice