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Edited by RurouniDante: 12/13/2022 4:04:41 PM

Quickplay broken

Quickplay is broken. I'm stuck in clash, just need to capture 1 point in control for a bounty i need to clear. Stuck in clash 5 games in a row. This is an asinine feature. Personally i detest clash and usually stick to just control when playing crucible. Please separate the two. This just makes me want to play crucible even less than ever before. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • My favourite is “kill 5 warlocks” Ya good luck actually matching into a game with a warlock in it. 5 games later…2/5.

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    • I think your definition of broken is a bit off the mark. Some advice for anyone doing fashion bounties for Ada, don't do the control bounty.

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    • Personally I detest clash. At my skill level matches drag down to who camps more and matches rarely ever get near score limit. All on 2 plus minute queue times and seeing the same players week in and week out…

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    • I agree! I prefer Control because it is more fun for me. Everyone has their own preference and I wish they actually listened to the community. I don't understand what happened that Bungie has become disconnected from its community? D1 to now totally different Bungie. The original PVP playlists were working for everyone in choices, but not functionality (i.e. stable connections). I don't understand their rationale for promoting low play lists and not promoting the more frequent ones. Normally you retire those not bring them to the top and put shiny things (i.e. Rose Hand Cannon) to get people to play. It is nice if you want to get this and I think it is great if you achieve Ascendent; however, not everyone has a desire to do that. I would actually like to see some old PVP maps from D1 days. I miss the Mars maps. They were fun.

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    • 6
      Who ever thought going back to putting clash and control together haven't got a clue.

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      Came hunting the forums for this. 100%. Wanted to play some control, got confronted with those options and very nearly just dropped out. If I can't play what I want when I want... I'll go play something else. I don't know what they are thinking with these lists. Seems like people are dropping too, taking ages in match making, one game even started where we had 2 players and the other 4.

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    • Edited by Puma Kane: 12/15/2022 12:11:09 AM
      Clash is so BORING. It's such a turn-off. Add in long que times along with stupid lag and it'll test will power. I walked away from Battlefield and the Division and I'll walk away.

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    • I agree with your stance. For me, at the age of 64, my reflexes are not there anymore to compete in clash. I refuse to be the lead weight on a team. In SBMM control I could usually hold my own ( keeping in mind that I felt successful if I ended up with a 1+kd). So, while this quick play version is in effect, no more pvp for me. Which diminishes the enjoyment I get overall from the game. Yes, I know me not playing pvp will not directly affect the game. But how many people quietly feel the same?

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      3 Replies
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        PVP has been ruined - old

        Just adapt … it’s fine …

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      • What they need to add is a voting system. Where essentially you can vote between three maps, and the game mode type you want to play.

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        • Wouldnt know its broke takes so long to get a team now i did 1 and thats it

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        • Or fix the bounties and give credit for completing matches.

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        • They seem to forget the reason it was separated to begin with. 1 step forward, 5 steps back.

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