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12/1/2022 4:12:15 AM

Don't use term Mods in LFG posts or face suspension

Microsoft Enforcement Team gave me two different suspensions this week one and two days for posting on LFG for Nightfall activities where l used the term [b]mods[/b] as they say it breaches their policies on community standards and policies. Apparently other players have suffered same fate for similar worded LFG posts Suwatch a Microsoft Ambassador provided the following response to my query on Microsoft forum as to why suspensions were made The enforcement team are the only ones who handle suspensions and the do not use the forums so no one here can give you a definite answer. [b]Most likely, the posts were flagged for mentioning mods. [/b] Since the suspensions are too short for a case review, all you can do is wait them out. There wouldn't be a way to have them removed from you enforcement history.

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