So the whole timeout thing is really chapping my -blam!-. I leave because we're being steamroller and my team just sits there like a puddle of -blam!- and I get penalized? -blam!- you bungie, fix your busted piece of -blam!- game and maybe people won't throw matches? No? Surprise surprise.
I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old
Just cliff jump -
I try not to quit those matches. But I agree that we should leave those types of matches where you’re being destroyed anyway. Yet people say you’re making it bad for your team. Really? It’s me and not the 2 three stacks that happened to be put on the same team because the matchmaking likes putting them together? Ok gotcha! I’ll emote the rest of those matches where we just can’t do anything. If I can’t leave I’ll emote. Can’t get penalized for that.