TWAB looks good for the most part. I like finally having a dedicated ranked mode and a (more) true quickplay mode.
However, two big concerns:
1. You say the Division playlist will be where we show off our "skill." How exactly are we supposed to do that to our best ability when the movement skill gap has been neutered with AE and the slide nerfs? AE directly contradicts with this vision of Division playlist.
Moving [i]while we fight[/i] and doing that well is reflective of skill level. This needs to be in a playlist that is meant to celebrate skill. If that means removing/reworking AE and reworking movement exotics that make movement easier, so be it.
2. The lack of rewards from Division may lead to lower participation, which makes it harder for pretty much everyone, regardless of skill level. I think unique ornaments, shaders, ships, sparrows, etc. would have been a great idea to get people in there.
The current AE system never should have shipped in its current state. It was a waste of development resources imo, and for what? Because casuals couldn’t look up? Give me a break. Same thing with the slide nerf, never should have shipped. Now we get penalized on every weapon just because we slide? Asinine.
Disagree with Point 1. AE was needed for a ton of reasons. However, we don't have enough ways to build into the stat. Agree with Point 2.
Can't see these changes bringing players into Pvp that weren't interested before. (like myself)
What worries me is the lack of rewards and the fact they are putting rift and showdown into it. The lack of loot will put off people even trying that playlist and for those that do they have bad game modes to contend with which will just annoy them. If I was them I would have put Elimination in there and brought back Skirmish.
You shouldn't even be talking about "SKill" when the game still utilizes Halo Era 2008ish Peer to Peer Networking. It's still "He/She that lags the most will be the Crucible King/Queen". Until they replace this wet stinky fecal Peer to Peer Mess with properly tuned Regional Dedicated Host Servers, the game will continue to be a PvP embarrassment and never improve.
My concern is the extremely tight SBMM. Why do you need SBMM if I have a rank and if Bungie's goal per stated by them is to have all players as close to a 50% W/L ratio as possible; if I'm placed in gold three wouldn't it be almost impossible to get out of that rank?
I saw someone post in another thread, about getting emblems for whatever division you get into. Seems like a great idea to me. Then new emblems each season to keep it fresh. Il play regardless of rewards as I enjoy ranked systems with progression ladders. Great way to set personal objectives and improve
The current state of AE and slid nerfs have not removed the skill gap. I doubt you became an average skilled player overnight when the changes were implemented. Lack of rewards will ensure the player pool dies off pretty quickly. SBMM in control, and freelance and flawless pools in Trials already proves high skilled players don’t want to sweat. They want plenty of weak players to destroy to make matches easier. Also it has proven that the nearer you get to the top the worse the connections are. So unless people in the Ascended division are getting matched with players 2-3 divisions below them, their match making times will increase and lag will get worse. With no tangible rewards in game to show off the mode will die off near the top as they seek more rewarding (Trials) or easier playing grounds (anywhere else). I had two worries at the begging of the TWAB. Exclusive, high powered rewards at the top (the rich get richer) like the pinnacle weapons of old. And if there are cool rewards there will be increased ways to glitch, cheat, or buy their way to those rewards. The former was already addressed by Bungie. The latter may be unavoidable 100% of the time, as there will always be cheaters and people willing to pay for exclusive or hard to get stuff. Bungie is in a constant game of “wack a mole” to keep them as limited as they are even now.
I should have unbroken. (I got it)) - old
My major concern is that they literally sunset unbroken with barely a warning -
You don’t don’t to determine what constitutes the skill level by what you prefer. Whatever the game mode brings will be what it brings and the skill will be built of whatever that is. So saying the lack of sliding, or whatever it is you like, means we can’t determine skill inside the mode is nonsense.
Edited by PhenoZero: 11/18/2022 3:15:47 PMIs a good effort to bring back life in crucible, but they forgot the most important thing in my opinion: games should be fun. With the actual meta and movement they can revamp everything, but people will get bored soon because the PVP is simply not fun, especially if we have to grind ranks without any reward, crazy that they don't even put an emblem or any type of esthetic thing while reaching higher ranks. Give us back the fun in crucible, put SBMM everywhere but at least remove the movement nerf, I don't want to rank passing all the games behind a corner with pulse rifles. AE ruined crucible, who thinks different is just a bad player that prefers an easy win instead the state of the crucible and fun.
Hopefully they rework or remove the AE and Slide nerf in the future. It needs to happen.
Had to recheck: [Quote] We aren't done here. In the Seasons post-Lightfall, we are expecting to get further cosmetic rewards for Competitive Division. [/Quote] And post-Lightfall is an exceptionally LONG time to wait. However I suspect newness, of sorts, Ranks, Rose, and that Survival is apparently reasonably populated (apparently, so Bungie says) will probably see it through temporarily. But that kind of wait isn't ideal.
agree there is no skill in destiny 2 anymore, just ability spam and what meta weapon one shots you across the map easier also sweating for no rewards?not gonna happen
Slide nerf and the AE need to go or be significantly reworked but, I highly doubt that is going to happen any time soon, just wishful thinking, like a dlc without a telesto issue or any bugs lol. As for rewards in the ranked playlist, its exactly as it should be. Part of the problem with the game is the paid carries, and they exist because people need to achieve more than they can by themselves to get the thing at the end of the stick. Remove the thing on the stick and its just a title and bragging rights of how good you are. People can take pride in their accomplishment without chasing a thing they may never be able to reach.
I agree that AE & the slide nerf should be undone. Division's is getting cosmetic rewards in coming seasons. A step forward is a step forward, even if it's only one step.
To me it's sounds gd but no refreshing changes to keep crucible enjoying because only 1 new map next year, 1 new mode for IB that comes 2 times a season I'm starting to think bungie need to find a way to make something like Forge for pvp players if it takes them this long to make 1 new map on a Dlc and if it turns out bad like the last one it will be a problem
Some of the changes sound good. FBMM may work. The changes to "comp" sound interesting. Old maps returning and a new map are appreciated. Scrapping Rumble and a consistent 3x3 mode like Elimination is going to hurt the community. A lot of players play those modes daily instead of 6x6. Bungie steadfastly ignores the issue with lag and connection in 6x6 crossplay modes that 3x3 and Rumble don't have. Plus, the pacing and strategies (plus the use of abilities) are completely different for modes with fewer teamates and players. As far as giving higher ranking comp players emblems or rewards: I do think higher ranking PVP players deserve rewards the rest of the players don't get, too. Let's not turn every aspect of the game into Scallywag.
The best part is about ranks is if your a 0.8kd bot that got Acendent by playing a lot they only match 0.8kds no matter their division. So someone like myself with a 3kd will have to work 10x harder to get that same rank....
Edited by Knightlight: 11/18/2022 4:50:13 AMPlus unlike other games bungie won't use ranked matchmaking but just sbmm. With how horrible lobby balancing is the new comp won't be a good reflection on skill. I would want rank based like in rocket league. With sbmm the ranks themselves become meaningless in reflecting skill. So I really won't be playing it as often as there may not be a point.
Well hey at least this isn't a warlock post... We have too many of those. Ae nerf doesn't nerf skill or whatever just certain people's play style
some one still cry on slide '''''''''''''nerf'''''''''''''''''''''' , i slide all the time no problems,
It’s great the ranked mode had sbmm… playing people of our own skill will make it equally challenging for all… the sweaties won’t be able to just stomp us fodder… hope this system finds its way into trials :)
Better git gud at aiming than.
Edited by DiZ: 11/18/2022 4:07:11 AMOn a similar note, like some fellow "Rumble rats" have already posted, I too, am rather disheartened that it won't be a permanent playlist anymore. I typically play solo, so it's always been my go-to gamemode.