Just do it Bungie...
There is 0 reason why all the maps and strikes you vaulted can not be put back in the game. The core playlist is stale AF.
I feel like I'm only playing the same 4 strikes:
- glassway
- the cabal one on Nessus
- sabre (which btw makes zero -blam!- sense after the Rasputin season.)
- devils lair
If I play gambit it seems we have only 2 maps left?
And I seem to play on the same 3 PvP maps.
You insist we grind this out when the 5minute weekly seasonal story mission is over but leave us with a hollow experience.
If I'm not mistaken 1 statement about DCV was that you could brush up the content (spawn points, map glitches, ..) and EASILY introduce it back in the game thanks to the vault ...
*Put well we're waiting meme here*
*Put well that was a -blam!- lie meme here*
What's funny that they made a new IO strike just to vault it the next season LMAO Start By making seasonal 3 man missions into strikes that's way better then almost constantly doing the same strike almost back to back 😑
Unvault all the stolen content already
They’ll resell all the vaulted planets in a future season and call it new content
[quote]There is 0 reason why all the maps and strikes you vaulted can not be put back in the game[/quote] There was 0 reason all the maps and strikes got vaulted in the first place, DCV isn't built around reason, DCV is used to resell contents and justify sunsetting
Edited by Ferus Lux: 11/17/2022 2:19:41 AMThe game wouldn't be able to function. Everything we have now was updated on the Beyond Light engine changes. The game sits at 115 GB and adding and remodeling all that content would make the game super unstable. If it were simple, I would love to have all that stuff back but I would also want to play NEW content and development.
I too would like the things I bought given back to me. Thank you
Obtaining trinkets from slain Gods. - 3/12/2025 1:29:58 AM
For real, not to mention all the money and support from sony they just got! Like, what are they putting all that shite towards??!! -
I honestly don't see why anything was Vaulted. Who cares if Mars is still there. It still has Strikes and PEs. Your saying you couldn't rotate every Strike since D2 launch ? And have as Nightfalls with current Champion BS? The world would feel much bigger if everything was still available.
Also, they removed Mars... Just to add Mars... Why not kept the dam thing and had two landing sections for other planet areas?
It'd be better if D2 maps got vaulted and D1 maps were ported over. D2 crucible maps were designed for 4v4 engagements, but thats changed. I dont care if people complain about "recycled content", having maps that properly accommodate full lobbies is more important.
At this point Bungie has zero reason to have the DCV. It was supposed to help is the long run so we can get cleaner and stuff refreshed but so far it feels like we are getting ripped off. Been a fan of destiny for a long while and will still be a fan but I want Bungie to open their eyes and ears and truly listen instead of catering to some agenda and milk destinies community.
Unvault and un sunset!
I agree, we all paid for it.
Or, substantiate it with the content they said they were going to release as replacements. We are still far from getting close to the amount of content we had before DCV. If space is a real issue, I can see why they haven’t just done both, but one or the other please. There’s no core game.
They should. Crucible maps don’t really need to have the most “continuity”. Burnout is from a nonexistent location right now and it gets shoved at us all the time for things like trials. Strikes are harder but I’d rather have them back than not have them. I think they could prioritize updating some of the old D1 strikes if they wanted to preserve continuity more: Undying Mind, Dust Palace, Cerberus Vae,and Blighted Chalice could all be immediately added and fit with existing locations in Destiny. Summoning Pits and Shadow Thief were made into nightmare hunts, but making those into nightmare strikes wouldn’t be too hard. Just requires a name change on top of some mechanics. Shield Brothers, Echo Chamber, Nexus, and Winter’s Run all are from locations in the game that have other activities or areas. These could work but would need to be more intensively ported. All would be legends. I’d put the sunset D2 strikes in this category as well. The wretched eye was just an unfun strike. Basically, new strikes would be greatly preferred. I wouldn’t complain if they updated some of the old D1 strikes for D2. 6 of them could fit really well with just some minor adjustments using currently available locations.
This is the only game I have ever played where the players ask to recycle old content. I even read a post where someone was ASKING for an eververse ornament.
Edited by Klaus_Reaper (Adept): 11/16/2022 11:03:35 AMCan imagine the name of the resell planets back to us. REMINISCE OF THE GOOD TIMES, for 60 dollars you can check your old boy Asher Mir, discover the truth about how he lost hes arm on this extensive campaign full of mIsteries on Io. [spoiler]cough...cough...1 mission...cough...backwards mission...NO LOOT[/spoiler] After that you will go back to Titan check your Girl Sloane...for plus 60 dollars you will finally know wthat the hell is that thing on titan sea, water or Methane? [spoiler]Same as Io and again No loot, perhaps a re-skinned duty bound with other colors...no kill clip though...neither dynamic sway...rampage is out of discussion..low stability...no more than 26...[/spoiler] Pre-orders are open.
Edited by BarrettDylan: 11/16/2022 1:57:23 PMStrikes ig make sense to some level, since a lot are tied to the patrol area of their planet, but crucible maps and gambit maps need to come back ASAP
They will when they can sell it back to you
Oh don't worry they will with future releases, and as a courtesy of good will to the players, they will charge everyone for it again. This is content now.
I miss the strike with the eyebal shooting laser beams
[quote]Just do it Bungie... There is 0 reason why all the maps and strikes you vaulted can not be put back in the game. The core playlist is stale AF. I feel like I'm only playing the same 4 strikes: - glassway - the cabal one on Nessus - sabre (which btw makes zero -blam!- sense after the Rasputin season.) - devils lair If I play gambit it seems we have only 2 maps left? And I seem to play on the same 3 PvP maps. You insist we grind this out when the 5minute weekly seasonal story mission is over but leave us with a hollow experience. If I'm not mistaken 1 statement about DCV was that you could brush up the content (spawn points, map glitches, ..) and EASILY introduce it back in the game thanks to the vault ... *Put well we're waiting meme here* *Put well that was a -blam!- lie meme here*[/quote] Unsunset our -blam!- weapons too, at least they gave you a reason to play the PVP shitfest
What about The Inverted Spire strike!? The released that strike for the beta light years ago
Tbh I’m down for keeping content I’ve shelled out money for in the past.
I just want Savathun's Song back. I miss that strike so much.
They Would need to update and get a new server /storage system but they wont they are still using the one back from halo still ,its ridiculous